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Member Since 27 Mar 2022
Offline Last Active Nov 16 2024 10:02 PM

Topics I've Started

Smallblocks (Iron completetionist)

02 November 2022 - 07:45 AM

Ok so yall have probably seen youtubers with the whole "ironman completionist" videos and goals..
With that being said, I myself am going to do it.
It's going to take awhile and you'll probably see me cussing over yell about dupes or dry streaks but itll be worth it in the end. Let's see if I can complete that collection log entirely.

Gem Selling Npc's Tzhaar area

17 May 2022 - 07:22 PM

What is your suggestion?: Making the gem npc in tzhaar area actually work and sell gems. 



Is this in OSRS?: Yes.



Has this suggestion been accepted already?: To my knowledge no it has not been accepted.


How would this benefit Alora?: I feel like it would benefit ironmen more then anything. Reason being, as an ironman you need gems for bolts, crafting, etc..

now with that being said don't make them unlimited but maybe a cap of say 100 per gem excluding onyx.

I am aware that ironman mode is supposed to be a grind but if the shop is in osrs i feel like it should

be here aswell. Thank you :)