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Real Alex

Member Since 14 Mar 2022
Offline Last Active Nov 28 2024 08:16 AM

#497252 Redwood Tree Quality of Life

Posted by Real Alex on 07 October 2024 - 08:58 PM

If you think about how insanely easy it is to collect eggs from birdhouses compiled with how few eggs you get from woodcutting even hourly not to mention eggs becoming completely useless after collection log; I don't see why you wouldn't want this changed. Only getting clues from redwood nests is a massive buff to woodcutting and you have to be incredibly short sighted to think otherwise. Big support

#496508 Update the Alora Store

Posted by Real Alex on 29 September 2024 - 02:42 PM

Support - some things need polished up on as time goes on so they aren't so out of place like some of the current things in store.

#487583 Buying/Selling GIM Bank

Posted by Real Alex on 28 May 2024 - 08:56 PM

Reading comments like this makes me laugh, typical Alora forum shit posters trying to get their post count up because there gamemodes brought into it.

@Formula One is clearly making a valid point, if you want to keep every community happy, all you need to do is make it fair around the board. However as soon as realism is brought into it, we get you members who sulk and cry about it.

Also, I think you're the one who's drunk, as I almost had a stroke reading this.

The irony is blinding. Quite sure the stroke happened well before this


What is the purpose of keeping a separate economy for realism if we’re able to trade between normie/realism?
Might as well cut out the middle man and merge the economies so there’s no ridiculous premium on items.

People who play an Ironman and purchase items from other GIM players seem to do so purely to maintain the GIM status, pure speculation here, otherwise you might as well play normie and save the billions of GP you’d pay on premium.
Same goes for realism, we play that mode for the added challenge of lower exp rates (and other minor differences). If we wanted to keep that game mode pure, to add fairness if GIM aren’t allowed to work around the system to purchase items, the same restrictions should be implemented for realism/normie trading. Otherwise just merge the economy.

Do you not see that you are the one on this "keep realism pure" kick that you've devised as a way to say irons should be able to trade as well? Its a false equivalency full stop.  I just don't know how we get from ironmen accounts being able to buy/sell items to Realism accounts shouldn't be able to accept norm gold for items that player could then turn around and trade back for the exact same price. You said it yourself "people who play an ironman and purchase items from other gim players seem to do so pureply to maintain the gim status". Sounds like an awesome game mode you got there

#487557 Buying/Selling GIM Bank

Posted by Real Alex on 28 May 2024 - 11:49 AM

100%. Realism market is seriously broken and unviable for any newcomers. A merge would settle the economy on both sides.
In addition, exchange of realism:normie GP should also be banned if they ban GIM item selling.

People are so adamant on realism being a separate economy but will happily purchase GP using normie GP.

Imagine playing a game mode that forces you to grind items separately from the normal mode however you use normal mode GP to buy items for the separate game mode…. Sounds familiar no?

"exchange of realism/normie (Both which allow open trading between accounts) should also be banned if they ban GIM item (Ironman items you are only allowed to share with your 4 other team mates) selling" LOL someone take this man home he must be drunk. Your bs replies are so self-serving they don't even warrant being part of a real conversation

#487510 Buying/Selling GIM Bank

Posted by Real Alex on 27 May 2024 - 09:37 AM

No support, this would prevent people to swap from afk teams or partners. Add a longer cooldown to item transfering etc or a maximum amount of transfers sure why not?


Abusing it to make big money seems funny "selling realism shadow 16b". While we're at it merge realism, shouldn't be abused to make big money.

I'm pretty confused what Realism has to do with buying/selling IRONMAN items? You are also referring to a particular individual/two people who abuse realism eco to charge big amounts for highly desired items. Which again has literally nothing to do with what this forum post was made for. Do you really dislike Alan that much or what cause your reply just doesn't make sense.

quickly starting to realise why alan was muted/jailed to begin with

aw is he hurting someone's little feelings with words? yeah let's take away his ability to talk cause we all are a bunch of babies

#487411 Buying/Selling GIM Bank

Posted by Real Alex on 26 May 2024 - 07:42 AM

I think it's hilarious people think it's just a game mechanic or something that you can literally buy/sell items as an IRONMAN. Never made sense, still doesn't make sense. "let people play how they want" is such a braindead thing to say when there are multiple game modes with player ecos; why is it okay "because the damage is done"?

#487410 Buff Nightmare & Phosani Nightmare Drop Rates

Posted by Real Alex on 26 May 2024 - 07:35 AM

Support - NM is one of the longest CLs in the game and with dupes you could spend an insane amount of time there for a non-raid log. If they can make the change in live game I think we certainly could agree it may have a place here as well. 

#487409 Redistribute Rank Transfers More Evenly

Posted by Real Alex on 26 May 2024 - 07:32 AM

Support - Transferring rank doesn't add any value for the player but it certainly opens up more options to play the game which in turn should generate the game more money over time. The system as you showed doesn't make a lot of sense on paper and could certainly be tweaked to match your updated numbers if not something similar.

#487408 Boss Task Slayer

Posted by Real Alex on 26 May 2024 - 07:27 AM

Support - There is little to no reason I need to stand at slayer master between 5 seconds and 10 minutes skipping task after task to just get a boss I'm looking to do. Regardless I'm going to get that task but the QOL having to sit there and skip skip skip just makes the process feel out of place and unnecessary. This really won't take anything away from Eternal as directly choosing whatever task you like far exceeds the benefit of just getting a boss task in general. 

#487407 1.2x Hunter Rumour Bonus & Quetzin Hunt

Posted by Real Alex on 26 May 2024 - 07:21 AM

Support. Fits perfectly into the theme of Alora and some of the other bonuses we get. I don't see rumors as a massively popular thing though it's actually a pretty good activity (besides salamander net being broke for 3 weeks and I've been told TWICE that it's fixed).

#487406 1 Phase Zalcano

Posted by Real Alex on 26 May 2024 - 07:17 AM

Support. Zalcano is extremely stale and could absolutely use with being updated 

#487219 Free the Penguin - Real Alan

Posted by Real Alex on 24 May 2024 - 05:29 AM

What is your suggestion?
Real Alan was sent to Port Sarim Jail on March 14, 2023 for penguining around at Nex.  He has been perm forum muted for over a year now following his staff feedback post on the incident. As a result, he is unable to make bug reports, appeals, guides, and game suggestion.
How would this benefit Alora?
Alan has contributed numerous game suggestions, bug finds, and guides in the past.  Freeing Real Alan will lead to new suggestions (eg: ring of pursuit), more community bug awareness (tecu salamander trees currently bugged), and more guides (DT2, master clue, drop rates breakdowns)
Past contributions to Alora
-identified bug: hm tob only dropping sanguine kits (no holy kits)
-gave us ability to get house pet from mahogany homes and long/curved bones
-wrote the tempoross / giants foundry guides / Corp drop rate guides
-contributed to Nex adjustments (can’t join after starting, additional damage requirements, more than 1 unique per kill)
-improving nightmare drop rates (attempted but failed)
-came up with idea for golden tench hunts

#486708 Revert Barrage Update

Posted by Real Alex on 15 May 2024 - 10:13 AM

Can you perhaps explain for everyone what the changes were exactly? I think people would be more willing to give their input if the information was presented here

#486408 New way to spend loyalty points!

Posted by Real Alex on 09 May 2024 - 04:51 PM

Agree. Would love to see some new stuff in the loyalty store, for such a unique thing in the game it is massively underwhelming. Not real big on cosmetics personally but something is better than nothing and I like the idea(s) overall

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#481305 Leagues III Feedback

Posted by Real Alex on 18 March 2024 - 01:12 PM

SEND HELP - Range relic isn't working as intended at minimum the ammo preservation is absolutely not working. Should be sorted out asap being a huge downside to range atm