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Real Alex

Member Since 14 Mar 2022
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#488758 [Summer '24] Community Awards

Posted by HCIM Tamber on 15 June 2024 - 05:08 PM




Best Event Manager: @Moe


Best Administrator: @H


Best Global Moderator: @Not Shadow


Best Forum Moderator: @6 Iron


Best Server Moderator: @YeetMcSkeet


Best Server Support:


Most active on Discord: @Kareem Sqr


Most active In-game: @H


Most active on Forums: @More glory


Most Respected: @Moe


Most Potential Promotion: @Phosani


Funniest Staff Member: @Mufasa


Overall Best Staff Member: @U






Most Active In-game: @Satan Smash


Most Active on Forums: @Real Alan


Most Active on Discord: @Count Ross & @TheRedDragon


Most Active Overall: @Sagacious


Most Wealthy: @Variant


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Zarzay


Most Friendly: @Danny Dee


Most Respected: @Elsa


Coolest Veteran: @Folks


Best Helper: @Mtam


Best PKer: @Gooba


Best PvMer: @HC angel


Best Raider: @EIMCastiOnix


Best Skiller: @Phanny phart


Best Clan: @Aftermath CC


Best Ironman: @Klam


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Pinksalmon69


Best Ultimate Ironman: @A UIM


Best Elite Ironman: @Noob


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Gimslaving


Best Group Ironman (Team): @OneManArmy


Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Player): @Deadsalmon69


Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Team):


Best Realism Player: @Real Alex


Best Classic Player: 


Best GFX Designer: 


Best Youtuber: @GIM Morcic


Best Streamer: @ F4rris


Top Overall: @EIM Bust

#487754 My Problem with Staff

Posted by Formula One on 30 May 2024 - 09:13 PM

Hilarious how the same people take the bait over and over lmao it's like shooting fish in a barrel. Some of you just can't help yourselves, can you? How nice of Alan to give paragone something to rally over

Yet you do the exact same quoting everyone who replies to justify your opinions.

Apologies Alex, wasn’t aware I couldn’t voice my opinion like Alan. I’ll keep it down.

#487678 My Problem With Staff 2

Posted by H on 30 May 2024 - 10:49 AM



A little observation I made: If you think GIM trading is such a big deal and compromises the integrity, why are you not advocating for other game mode changes too? For example HC's don't lose lives at TOB/Gauntlet, UIM's pretty much have access to banks with the various storage features, all game modes can get infinite cash/supplies from crystal keys if they have money on main, ironmen can kill bosses with normal accounts and so on?


Regarding bug reports, it's not hard to message a staff member and ask. The more bug reports that are made, the better. We don't need a big announcement stating something doesn't work.


Not going to comment on the rest of the thread, but I appreciate the positive feedback.

#487515 Boss Task Slayer

Posted by Real Alan on 27 May 2024 - 09:48 AM

also like click spam to choose and skip task or what every make eternal perks also not powerfull... so i think no support



eternal donors get to select their own specific slayer task


this suggestion is for a boss slayer master option that only rolls bosses.  


since it doesn't let you select which specific boss task -> the power of the eternal slayer perk is completely unaffected


unless your logic is: I paid to not suffer.  Therefor, you guys who haven't paid yet need to continue suffering  :D

#487452 Buying/Selling GIM Bank

Posted by Real Alan on 26 May 2024 - 02:45 PM

Little bit too late for that init.



Yeah it's too late because when you were staff, you abused the heck out of buying/selling gim banks.  

Rather than try to fix it, you let it go on and on. 


Now, when other people are trying to fix it.  You pull the "too late for that" excuse.  Classic.  



#487421 1.2x Hunter Rumour Bonus & Quetzin Hunt

Posted by Sagacious on 26 May 2024 - 09:37 AM

Support. Just makes sense to get in line with other bonuses we have. (Also add a 1.1x bonus to vote books or something as well as donator rank bonus?)

#487413 Buying/Selling GIM Bank

Posted by Tbow Loc on 26 May 2024 - 08:15 AM

Group ironman, more like ironmeme. Support.

#487350 1 Phase Zalcano

Posted by Real Alan on 25 May 2024 - 04:20 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Make Zalcano 1 Phase-able


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

Zalcano quality of life



Consider: Zalcano toggle between resource & experience rewards

#455249 How a Penguin ended up in Port Sarim Jail

Posted by Real Alan on 13 March 2023 - 02:55 PM


Today, while doing master clues, I got randomly jailed by the staff team (@Ivy and @To gain)

What for?

For safe spotting nex, according to staff.

What did I actually do though?
To answer that, we'll need to go back in time.

While doing the drop rate calculations for nex, I realized that you only need to do 100 damage at nex to qualify for a roll on the unique drop table.

The MVP gets a small 1.2x bonus, while everyone else (rank 2 damage to rank last damage) all have the same odds at a drop.

As a result, I devised a plan to consistently get rank last damage with minimal effort.
If the rank 2 damage gets the same reward as rank last damage, why work that hard?
Blame the system. Don't blame the player.

Anyways, how might one do that?

Simple! Zaryte crossbow spec has 75 accuracy and will always hit 110 damage if the attack lands. If I can land 1 of those, I should be all set.

I could do this at the start and launch a zaryte crossbow spec at nex; however, nex has much higher ranged defense than her 4 mages. Plus nex likes to drag aggresive players into the center.

As a result, I decided to dump my spec on one of the 4 mages.

First, I started by targeting the last of the 4 mages. However, 1 out of 4 attempts resulted in a miss and sometimes I couldn't get the minimum 100 damage in afterwards.

So, I changed the plan.

I switched to the first mage. This way if I missed, I still had sufficient time to do the bare minimum 100 damage.

Here's how the plan worked.

1. Camouflage with the icy nex environment by morphing in a penguin with the clock work suit.
This will help me blend in with the mass.

2. Stand in the first mage's quadrant. I stood 1 tile next to the first mage to maximize my distance from nex (in the center). Nex has limited attack range, so this will minimize the incoming damage.

3. Unload 1 zaryte crossbow spec the second the first mage becomes attackable. If 100+ damage, morph back into a penguin. If not, continue attacking nex until 100 damage. Then return to penguin form.

4. Wait around while the nex mass moves to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mages. This will drag nex far away from me and allow me to eliminate incoming damage.

Now that I had a plan in place, there was only 1 thing left to do.
Confirm with the staff and administrators that this method was allowed.
Here's how our chat went.


Now fast forward 2 weeks.
I'm working on some master clues, only to be teleported straight into jail.
No discussion, whatsoever.

When attempting to discuss... this is what happens.


According to staff, I broke the safe spotting rule.

Here's the issue with that though.
I only hit nex's mage 1 time.
Nex's mage hit me back 1 time.
Then I transformed back into a penguin.
I never even hit Nex (unless I missed my spec)

Imagine getting jailed for safe spotting nex, when you don't even attack nex.
According to staff, it's because I was standing on a certain bugged tile.

I didn't trap Nex. I didn't attack Nex. I just stayed while nex ran away from me and chased the rest of the mass to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mages. This is clearly not safe spotting.

My problem with this is... if the tile is bugged -> it's staff's responsibility to let players know not to stand on that tile (or to just block that tile off entirely)

To gain failed to mention which tiles were off limits.
There's no way a new player would know that standing next to a mage is bannable.
It's completely allowed in OSRS. How else do you melee the magers?

I'm just an innocent penguin that's playing the game in my own creative manner.
How am I supposed to know that standing next to a mage is a bugged spot?

I was aware that standing next to the 3rd mage could cause nex to bug into a wall, so I avoided that. I even tried to avoid breaking any rules by first confirming with staff before doing it.


And that boys... is how a penguin ended up in Port Sarim Jail. 

#487220 Free the Penguin - Real Alan

Posted by gim crohn on 24 May 2024 - 06:32 AM



Punishments like this demonstrate bias and vendettas against players that staff don't particularly enjoy dealing with. We have had multiple mass un-bans allowing members of the community to rejoin after scamming, RWTing, doxxing, ddosing, botting, breaking literally every single rule in the game - because it's good for business primarily but theoretically justified by saying everyone deserves another chance. 


This doesn't track with @Real Alan, can he be annoying? Absolutely. Is he usually making a bigger deal out of something than needs to be? Of course, he's a realism player. Is he sometimes very cringe? Fuck yes. However, being cringe is in fact - not a crime. Being difficult to deal with - is also not a crime worthy of indefinite punishment if we're allowing people who've broken every rule in the game to return to the game (and some of them become staff themselves) We've got plenty of cringe lolcows on Alora forums, discord, and in-game already one more just adds content to the game and community.


If you're an employee at a business as these staff members are - your job isn't just to do fun giveaways and events, flex your crown and get some monthly tokens. It's also to deal with the situations and the people that others don't want to deal with themselves. That's part of the role, Alan is not unreasonably toxic, he doesn't make threats of violence, he doesn't even pose any threat to anyone in-game at all; If you think he does you should fight him in the wilderness I'm sure you'll be surprised! 


Tl;Dr Alan can be cringe both ingame and on the forums it doesn't make sense that he's silenced for this long for simply for being cringe. 

#486526 Permanent Unlock of Falconry

Posted by Jerbear on 11 May 2024 - 01:52 PM

What is your suggestion?: 

Add a one-time, 500K payment to permanently unlock falconry

Is this in OSRS?:

Yes. See here

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

Not that I've seen

How would this benefit Alora?:

With the introduction of rumours, falconry is much more commonly needed. It sucks to have to pay every time you go, especially when OSRS has a way to not need to.

#486411 Butterfly Click Boxes

Posted by Ruwk on 09 May 2024 - 04:53 PM

Agree. The sapphire glacialis is so frustratingly bad, just needs to be made the same as the moonlight moths where the whole box clicks the npc not just the corner of the box that the npc is currently floating in. Not sure which side the rest of butterflies falls into but just making sure they all act like moonlight moths currently will work. Thanks for the suggestion

Hey btw this was apparently just added in the update from yesterday!

#465873 [Suggestion] Dusk Mystic Drop Rate

Posted by H on 05 August 2023 - 07:07 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Increase Dusk Mystic drop rate to be similar to Dagon Hai from Larran's keys


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

According to my calculations ( B) ), after the 2019 drop rate boost, dusk mystic should AT LEAST be 1/50 to get any piece, or 1/250 for a specific one, but this doesn't seem to be the case at all. Numerous people have opened hundreds of keys to get 1 or even 0 pieces (lul @Sagacious ) making it the longest collection log grind by a very big margin. By making the drop rate similar to dagon hai, it will be a much more bearable grind. 


Loot from 1,000 keys. 



Let me know your thoughts below and vote in the poll. 

#486122 Butterfly Click Boxes

Posted by Ruwk on 04 May 2024 - 03:11 PM

What is your suggestion?:

I suggest increasing the click boxes for butterfly NPCs during hunter and also make them move around a little less frequently.


I'm specifically referring to Sapphire Glacialis as I haven't tested other buterflies. 


Is this in OSRS?:

I believe so but I cannot confirm myself.


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

QOL update for everyone doing hunter rumours

#485914 [2/5/24] Partial Varlamore, Costume Room Overhaul, Hunter Guild, Scar Essence...

Posted by Omicron on 02 May 2024 - 11:47 AM

[8/5/24] Fixes:

  • Skill of the Day changes:
    • Attack is now included as a Skill of the Day on the 1st of every month, shifting every other skill over by 1 day.
    • Randomized skills:
      • After the first 23 days of the month (going through each skill 1-by-1), a random skill will be selected for each of the remaining days of the month.
        • Although two days cannot have the same skill back to back, it is possible for the same skill to be randomly selected twice at the end of the month.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed a bug with the seed box interface not working correctly.
    • Obsidian armour can now be noted.
    • The rune (g)/rune(t)/saradomin/guthix/zamorak/gilded plateskirts are now noteable.
    • Fixed a bug where some deadfall traps would not expire after 2 minutes.
    • Fixed a bug with the mixed hide top not being un-noteable.
    • Fixed a bug where the hunter plugin would sometimes not recognize the state of net traps when catching salamanders.
    • Removed the level 1337 guard near the mining guild.
    • Fixed a bug where elite void (or) would have too high of a protection value.
    • The zombie head item is now tradeable.
    • Fixed a bug where the herbiboar hunter rumour was not working correctly.
    • Added a tool leprechaun to the Varlamore herb patch.
    • Fixed a bug where herbiboar hunter guild rumours were not being properly tracked by the hunter rumour plugin.
    • Fixed a bug where the stepping stones to the scar essence mine were not reachable.
    • Fixed a graphical issue with the shoulders on the musketeer tabard item.
  • Quality of Life:
    • The hunter rumours will now instruct players to hunt gray/red chinchompas, rather than "chinchompas" and "carnivorous chinchompas".
    • Players can now teleport to the hunters' guild using the hunter skillcape/max cape.
    • The Seercull now has a special attack.
    • The item charges plugin will now have a configuration to show guthix rest charges.
    • Players will now be notified when they failed a perfection task for the desert treasure 2 bosses.
    • Inverted the scroll direction required to zoom in/out of the minimap.
    • Made zooming in/out of the minimap more sensitive.
    • Right-clicking the minimap will now reset the zoom level.
    • Players can now store the following items/sets in their costume room:
      • Dragonstone armour
      • Castle Wars tier 1/2/3 armour
      • Castle Wars tier 1/2/3 swords
      • Rune/Guthix/Zamorak rune scimitars
      • Egg priest vestments
      • Shattered relics mystic
      • Trailblazer reloaded t1/t2/t3 outfits
      • Deerstalker
      • Holy wraps

[3/5/24] Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the Arceuus spellbook home teleport/Arceuus library teleport were not working correctly.
  • Fixed a bug with pm icons being incorrect.
  • Fixed ToA crashing at Akkha.
  • Fixed mobile tabs not appearing.
  • Fixed a bug where the Cold feet task would not notify players they failed.
  • Fixed a bug with Robbable houses.
  • Fixed storage of Sandwich lady outfit in Costume room.

Hello everyone,
We are officially back to our usual update schedule post-Leagues, and we’ve got a huge update we’ve been preparing that touches on a number of different areas of the game. The main component is that we’re partially release Varlamore, bringing about the Hunter Guild, Scar Essence Mine, the Stealing Valuables thieving activity, and much more. There are plenty of other updates that have been in the pipeline that are now getting released, such as the Costume Room Overhaul to allow you to store all of your cosmetics more efficiently and store partial sets and duplicates, and we’ve finally gotten around to adding Ambient Sounds to make your gameplay more immersive, meaning you’ll finally be able to hear birds chirping, the sounds of the ocean, and so many other sounds around you. Other noteworthy updates include the Spellbook Reordering plugin, Easter Event rewards at home, and Minimap Zooming on both the desktop client and mobile. We’ll let you read the rest below:

  • Post-League changes:
    • Trophy claiming now works for Ironman (PM me if you aren’t able to claim your trophies).
    • League Shop has been re-enabled with updated, lower prices as promised in the previous League thread.
  • Costume Room Overhaul:
    • We’ve completely re-done the costume room in the POH, boasting many new features, as well as many new storable items.
    • New Interface:
      • The interface has been upgraded to be more aesthetically pleasing, containing all the items for that storage container on a single page that the player can scroll through.
        • All of the items of the set will also be shown, rather than just 1 item, as it previously was.
        • Deposit mode:
          • Players can select the deposit mode button to either deposit a single item, or deposit all eligible set items.
        • Search functionality:
          • Players can click the search button to search for any listing in the container.
            • Items that are not in this container will not show up in the search interface.
        • Deposit All:
          • There is now a button to deposit all the eligible items into a storage container.
    • Partial Set Storage:
      • Players can now deposit parts of a set into the POH storage container, rather than needing to have the entire set to do so.
        • Previously if you tried to deposit a rune full helmet (t), for example, you need the platebody, platelegs, and kite shield to do so.
          • Players can now store each individually, as well as the variant items if available (skirts, for example).
    • Duplicate Storage:
      • Players are no longer limited to only 1 of each item/set being stored, and can now store as many of each item as they want.
    • Item Expansion:
      • We’ve added over 50 new items to the Toy box that were not previously available.
        • Many of these were items that were/are currently obtainable on Alora, so be sure to check your bank!
    • Ultimate ironman will be able to use the storage in the same way as normal players, with no restriction that requires them to have the entire set to store items.
  • Easter Event Rewards:
    • While we didn’t get around to running a full Easter event this year, you can speak to the Easter Bunny to obtain the following items:
      • Egg priest vestments
      • Book of egg
    • If lost, these items can individually be repurchased from the Lost items manager for 100,000 GP each.
  • Spellbook Reordering:
    • Players can now use the Spellbook plugin on the Runelite client to re-order their spells.
      • This works similarly to the prayer plugin, where players right-click the prayer tab to enable re-ordering, and they can drag spells around to the location they want them to be.
        • Players can also right click a spell while editing it and select the hide option to hide the spell.
  • League Trophy Awards:
    • Once this League ends, players who earn an in-game trophy will also automatically be awarded a forum award for that same trophy on their main account.
  • Stealing Valuables:
    • Players can now train thieving by robbing wealthy citizens in Civitas Illa Fortis!
      • This activity requires at least 50 thieving to do.
      • To do so, players can start by pickpocket wealthy citizens near the bazaar.
        • Every so often, urchins will cause a distraction, allowing players to thieve these wealthy citizens automatically (similar to the trickster relic), and without a chance of failing
          • Players have a chance to obtain house keys, which can be used to break into wealthy citizens’ homes.
      • There are 3 possible homes to break into (marked with a thieving icon on the world map), and at any given moment, players can break into one of the 3 homes.
        • Players must simply look for a home with a locked door indicating no one is home, and they can use a house key to enter the home, and steal from the various chests/dressers/jewellery boxes.
          • Every so often, a hint icon will appear above a thievable object, which will give players an exp/loot bonus.
        • Players will steal valuables from the homes, each one being worth 550 coins, and providing 45 base thieving experience.
          • Stealing from the marked object when it appears provides 14 valuables, and 630 base thieving experience.
          • Valuables can be sold to Oriana, who is standing outside of the bank near the homes.
      • Players will have 3 minutes to rob a house as much as they can while the owner is gone, and will be warned by a nearby urchin when the owners are returning home.
        • Players will need to exit out of a nearby window to avoid detection.
  • Hunter Expansion:
    • With the arrival of the Hunting Guild, we’ve decided to expand the Hunter skill and bring a lot of un-implemented content into Alora so that the rumours can be added to the game.
    • The following hunter content has been added:
      • Hunters’ Guild:
        • Rumours:
          • Players can now obtain rumours from various members of the hunter guild.
            • There members can be found downstairs within the hunter guild.
              • There are 6 kinds of contracts that players can obtain, each requiring a different hunter level, and providing different potential tasks/rewards.
                • Novice rumours
                • Adept rumours (from Cervus)
                • Adept rumours (from Orvis)
                • Expert rumours (from Aco)
                • Expert rumours (from Teco)
                • Master Rumours
              • The rumour will instruct players to hunt a certain type of NPC and obtain a special component from them.
                • There is a chance these npc’s will provide the rare part each time they’re caught, and once the part has been obtained, players can return it to the guild for a hunter loot sack.
                  • There is also a pity system, where if players go 2x the drop rate dry on the rare part, it will automatically be given to them.
                    • This pity rate is slightly boosted if the player is wearing the entire guild hunter set.
                • Once players have completed 10 rumours, they can claim a basic quetzal whistle blueprint from Soar leader pitri, at the top of the hunter guild tree.
                  • This can be used to craft a basic quetzal whistle, which can be used to teleport directly to the hunter guild.
                    • Players can also claim a torn enhanced/perfected hunter whistle blueprint at 100/250 completed rumours if they have not yet received a blueprint from the hunter loot sacks.
                      • These blueprints are not tradable.
          • Players can also use the hunter rumours plugin on runelite to keep track of their current rumours.
      • Meat Pouches:
        • Players can create the small and large meat pouches, which can be used to store raw meat obtained from hunter npc’s.
          • The small meat pouch can store up to 14 pieces of raw meat inside of it.
            • It can be made at level 35 crafting by using a needle (and some thread) on 4 pieces of fox fur, providing 30 base Crafting experience.
          • The large meat pouch can store up to 28 pieces of raw meat inside of it.
            • It can be made at level 65 crafting by upgrading a small meat pouch with a needle (and some thread) and 3 pieces of sunlight antelope fur, providing 60 base Crafting experience.
          • Both pouches can be used at the same time, however upgrading the small meat pouch to a large one will not transfer the meat within the pouch, so players will need to remake a small meat pouch to regain access to any meat left in the pouch.
      • Tecu Salamanders:
        • Players can now catch Tecu Salamanders in Varlamore at level 79 Hunter, for 344 base Hunter experience.
          • Most salamanders caught will be immature Tecu salamanders, which can only be released.
            • There is a 1/813 chance of catching a regular Tecu Salamander, which can be used as a weapon, similar to other salamanders.
          • The Tecu salamander works exactly the same as other salamanders, although it is stronger, and uses Irit tar as ammunition.
      • Embertailed Jerboa’s:
        • Players can now catch Embertailed Jerboa’s in Varlamore using box traps at level 39 Hunter, providing 137 base Hunter experience.
          • When caught, they provide a jerboa tail.
            • Players can use 5 Jerboa tails, a knife, some teak logs, and 5 Hunter spear tips to create Hunter’s spears.
              • These thrown spears require 55 ranged and 30 strength to equip, and use the player’s strength bonus to determine damage, rather than their ranged strength bonus.
      • Sunlight/Moonlight moths:
        • Players can catch these at level 65/75 hunter respectively (75/85 for barehanded catching), and provides 74/84 base Hunter experience.
          • If caught with a jar, players will get the following bonuses for releasing the moths:
            • Sunlight Moths:
              • Restores drained stats by 20% of the stat level + 6 (excludes hitpoints/prayer) and heals 6 hitpoints.
            • Moonlight Moths:
              • Restores 22 prayer.
      • All Deadfall content, excluding Maniacal monkeys):
        • Deadfall traps can be setup with some logs and a knife, and setting a trap up will consume the logs.
          • Players can only have 1 deadfall trap setup at any time.
        • Wild Kebbits can now be hunted in the Piscatoris hunter area at 23 Hunter, providing 128 base Hunter experience.
          • When caught, they will provide bones, Kebbit Claws, and raw wild kebbit.
            • The kebbit meat can be cooked and eaten, and the Kebbit claws can be used to upgrade various vambraces in spiky vambraces.
        • Barb-tailed kebbits can now be hunted in the Feldip hunter area at 33 Hunter, and provide 168 base Hunter experience.
          • When caught, they provide bones, a barb-tail harpoon, and raw kebbit meat.
            • The barb-tail harpoon is an equippable harpoon which can be used to fish, saving an inventory slot.
        • Prickly kebbits can now be caught in the Piscatoris hunter area at 37 hunter, and provide 204 base Hunter experience.
          • When caught, they provide bones and Kebbit spikes.
            • Kebbit spikes can be used with a chisel to craft kebbit bolts (12 bolts per spike).
        • Sabre-toothed kebbits can now be caught in the Relleka hunter area at 51 Hunter, and provide 200 base Hunter experience.
          • When caught, they provide bones and Kebbit teeth.
        • Pyre Foxes can now be caught in the Avium Savannah at 57 Hunter, providing 222 base Hunter experience.
          • When caught, they will provide bones, fox fur, and raw pyre fox meat.
            • Raw pyre fox can be cooked and eaten, providing a similar effect to kebbit meat.
            • Fox Fur can be used to craft various items.
      • All Pitfall traps:
        • Players can setup pitfall traps in pits near specific hunter mobs.
          • Doing so requires a knife and some logs.
          • Once the trap is setup, players will need to lure the mob near the pit and jump over it such that the mob is on the other side of the pit, and then it will walk onto the trap.
        • Spined Larupias can now be trapped at level 31 hunter, providing 180 base Hunter experience.
          • Players will receive raw larupia meat and big bones.
          • These can be found in the Feldip hills hunter area.
        • Horned Graahks can now be trapped at level 41 hunter, providing 240 base Hunter experience.
          • Players will receive raw graahk meat and big bones.
          • These can be found on Karamja.
        • Sabre-toothed Kyatts can now be trapped at level 55 hunter, providing 300 base Hunter experience.
          • Players will receive raw kyatt meat and big bones.
          • These can be found in the Relleka hunter area.
        • Sunlight antelopes can now be trapped at level 72 hunter, providing 380 base Hunter experience.
          • Players will receive raw sunlight antelope meat, sunlight antelope antlers, sunlight antelope fur, and big bones.
            • Sunlight antelope antlers can be fletched into moonlight antelope bolts at level 62 fletching, which provides 12 bolts and 10 base fletching experience.
              • These bolts have 55 ranged strength, and can only be used with the Hunters’ sunlight crossbow.
              • Sunlight antelope antlers can also be used on the Hunters’ crossbow at level 74 fletching to create the Hunters’ sunlight crossbow, a slightly stronger version of the Hunters’ crossbow.
          • These can be found in the Avium savannah.
        • Moonlight antelopes can now be trapped at level 91 hunter, providing 450 base Hunter experience.
          • Players will receive raw moonlight antelope meat, moonlight antelope antlers, moonlight antelope fur, and big bones.
            • Moonlight antelope antlers can be fletched into moonlight antelope bolts at level 72 fletching, which provides 12 bolts and 12 base fletching experience.
              • These bolts have 60 ranged strength, and can only be used with the Hunters’ sunlight crossbow.
          • These can be found in the Hunters’ guild basement.
        • Meat cooked from pitfall trap npc’s will heal a certain amount, and then heal the player again after 7 ticks.
          • Graahk/Kyatt meat will require 25 hunter rumours to be completed before it can be cooked.
          • Antelope meat will require 50 hunter rumours to be completed before it can be cooked.
            • Moonlight antelope meat also cures poison.
  • Varlamore Access:
    • While we plan to add all of Varlamore’s content in the near future, we’re going to roll it out in batches, and as of today, players will be able to access Varlamore through the fairy ring AJP code.
      • One or more teleport wizard teleports will be added in the future when more content is added.
    • Content currently available:
      • Various new shops.
      • Sand crabs on the south part of the island.
      • Harpy Bug Swarm/Moss Giant/Hill Giant spawns
      • Various thieving stalls/pickpocketable npc’s
      • Sunlight/Moonlight moths:
      • Tecu Salamanders:
      • Embertailed Jerboa’s:
      • Farming Patches:
        • The Varlamore area features 2 new Allotment patches, 1 flower patch, 1 herb patch, and 1 hardwood tree patch.
          • The Farmer’s blessing will have teleport to these patches.
      • Hunter guild
      • Quetzal transportation:
        • By default, 4/8 of the quetzal locations are unlocked, and players must build the landing sites for the other 4.
          • Each landing site requires 10 quetzal feed (obtained from hunter rumours), 3 limestone bricks, and 4 soft clay.
  • Scar Essence Mine:
    • Players can now access the scarred essence mine, which can be accessed by entering the passage in the scar, near the Leviathan boat.
    • There are Amalgamations all over this mine that provide 1-3 tainted essence chunks each time a player mines it.
      • These can be deposited into the Ventriculus opening, and will be converted to tainted essence, at a rate of 5 essence per chunk.
        • There are 2 methods of extracting the essence:
          • Essence Orifice:
            • Players can use the Essence orifice to extract noted pure essence at a rate of 2 tainted essence for every 1 noted pure essence.
              • This process is completely free.
          • Extract Orifice:
            • Players can use this orifice to receive extracts, which can be used to gain extra runes while runecrafting; this process costs coins, so players will need to deposit coins into the nearby coffer.
              • There are 4 types of extracts:
                • Warped Extract:
                  • Each warped extract costs 5,000 coins and 1 tainted essence to make.
                  • The warped extract provides 250 extra runes per essence used, and works only when crafting earth/fire/water/air/mind/body runes.
                • Twisted Extract:
                  • Each warped extract costs 24,000 coins and 1 tainted essence to make.
                  • The warped extract provides 60 extra runes per essence used, and works only when crafting mist/dust/mud/smoke/steam/lava/cosmic/chaos runes.
                • Mangled Extract:
                  • Each warped extract costs 48,000 coins and 1 tainted essence to make.
                  • The warped extract provides 60 extra runes per essence used, and works only when crafting nature/law/astral/death runes.
                • Scarred Extract:
                  • Each warped extract costs 96,000 coins and 1 tainted essence to make.
                  • The warped extract provides 60 extra runes per essence used, and works only when crafting blood/soul/wrath runes.
              • Extracts only work when crafting runes using pure/rune/daeyalt/guardian essence.
                • The extracts do not work at the Ourania altar.
  • Armor Sets Expansion:
    • The trading post now has a “Sets” option which players can use to pack and unpack item sets.
      • Players can also still use items/sets on the trading post to pack/unpack them, as they could before.
      • This promps a new interface that players can easily use to view all possible sets, and easily check what items they need to pack these sets.
        • All sets displayed in the interface now work, meaning we’ve added over 40 new item sets to Alora!
          • The item sets obtained are all tradable, and notable, and will have an item value equal to the total value of the items within the set.
  • Minimap Zoom:
    • Players can now zoom in and out of the minimap on fixed/mobile/resizable.
      • This setting can be disabled in the advanced settings interface.
  • Muddy Chest:
    • Players can now open the Muddy chest in the Lava maze using Muddy keys.
      • Muddy Keys can be obtained from chaos dwarves and the crazy archaeologist.
      • Opening the chest guarantees the following loot:
        • 1 uncut ruby, 2 noted mithril bars, 5 law runes, 5 death runes, and 15 chaos runes.
        • Players will also have a 1/8 chance to receive blighted supplies, or a Larran’s key.
  • Combat Achievements:
    • The desert treasure 2 bosses have had thier tasks added to the combat achievements.
      • A total of 36 new tasks, ranging from Elite to Grandmaster have been added.
  • Sound update:
    • Ambient/Area sounds:
      • Ambient sounds have been added to Alora! This means that you’ll hear the wind blowing, birds chirping, magic trees shimmering, and so much more.
        • A new slider has been added below the Sound Effects slider for you to adjust Area Sounds.
    • Distance-based fix:
      • Certain enemy sounds (eg. Vet’ion’s attack sounds) will now be played at a lower volume the further away you are.
    • Miscellaneous sounds:
      • Other sounds have been added, including fence opening/closing, combat sounds for numerous NPCs (baby dragons, gargoyles, earth giants, etc) and more.
  • Quality of Life:
    • The "Report an issue" button on the runelite info panel will now take players to the bug report section of the forums.
    • The ancient blood ornament kit will now be announced when obtained.
    • Shanomi will now advertise that he sells defenders.
    • Players can now use a cleaning cloth on recolored graceful.
      • No marks of grace will be returned, and it cannot be used on trailblazer graceful.
    • Reduced the price to build a league hall from 1.5m to 150k.
    • The League stats scroll has been updated to show the player’s performance in the third league.
    • The top 25 players of Leagues III have been immortalized in the League accomplishments scroll in the league room of player owned houses.
    • The teleport to house tab will now only teleport players outside/inside of their player-owned house.
      • Players can set their preference by using the “set-location” option when right-clicking the tab.
    • The presets plugin is now enabled by default.
    • The presets plugin will now create a button in the bank to open the preset tab.
      • This can be disabled in the presets plugin configuration.
    • Our login screen wallpaper has been updated to match our new logo / theme.
    • The Build/remove options in the POH can now be swapped with the menu entry swapper plugin.
    • Client notification overrides:
      • Many client notifications can now be configured more in-depth by selecting the cog wheel next to the notification setting.
    • Players can now make Irit tar by using an irit leaf on swamp tar with a pestle and mortar in their inventory.
      • 1 Irit leaf can make 15 irit tar, and this process provides 55 base Herblore experience.
    • Chinchompas and Salamanders will now move around twice as often.
      • This should improve catch rates in areas where these npc’s are more spread out.
    • Slayer helmets now have the same value as black masks.
      • This will help them protect their mask over other items when in the wilderness.
    • Scorpia and Chaos Elemental have had their loot tables improved.
    • The Desert amulet Nardah teleport will now teleport players slightly closer to the statue of elidinis.
    • Yew seed drops will no longer be announced in yell.
    • Updated the Venenatis/Callisto/Vet'ion drop tables.
      • They’ve been slightly improved from previously, making the bosses more profitable to kill.
  • Bug fixes:
    • The abyssal pathfinder will now offer a 5x5 area of protection during the normal fight, and 7x7 area of protection during the awakened fight.
      • This was previously a 3x3/5x5 area.
    • Fixed a bug with inconsistencies when clicking on menu options if there was a sub-menu present.
      • Often-times, if there was a sub-menu available, any menu entries that were listed after it would not work properly.
        • An example of this might have been tagging/un-tagging npc’s, or marking tiles, when the menu entry swapper sub-menus were also present.
          • All options should now be working correctly.
    • Fixed a bug with multi-spells not correctly attacking npc's in a 3x3 radius.
      • Any npc’s that have any of their occupied tiles within a 3x3 radius (starting from the centre tile of the targetted npc) will now be hit by the multi-spell.
    • Examining in the equipment interface now works properly.
    • Removed a random man spawn in the Catacombs of Kourend.
    • Herbi and the Phoenix pet have been removed from the “Skilling pets” collection log category, since they are not obtainable from a skill, but rather a minigame/activity.
    • Fixed a bug where Duke sucellus and The leviathan loot would not be tracked by the loot tracker.
    • Fixed a bug with the stepping stones not working in the Brimhaven dungeon.
    • Fixed inconsistencies with opening/closing tabs on the modern resizeable mode.
      • Sometimes when clicking on tabs they would not properly open/close.
    • Fixed a bug where some untradable items were not being valued correctly for items kept on death.
    • Increased the protection value of the Neitiznot faceguard.
    • Fixed an issue where part of Hans' dialogue was being spoken by the player in the chatbox.
    • Fixed a bug where selecting the Alora HD option on startup would cause issues if the 117 HD/GPU plugin were already enabled.
    • Fixed a bug where the next skill of the day would sometimes be incorrect.
    • Fixed a bug where some equipment menu entry swaps would not work properly.
    • Jangerberry seeds are now tradable.
    • Fixed a bug where the warped sceptre would not be added to the collection log.
    • De-ironing from a Group Ironman will now set your primary rank to your donator rank (if applicable) rather than just the "Player" rank.
    • Leagues players can no longer donate to the Well of Goodwill.
    • League players can now pickup raid supplies that dropped for other playesr.
    • Bologa’s blessing now properly turns harvested grapes into Zamorak grapes in Tithe Farm.
    • Players can now fire Broad arrows from the Twisted bow.
    • League players with the "Like a Boss" Slayer perk enabled can now select boss tasks in areas they can access, including:
      • Alchemical Hydra
      • Lizardman Shaman
      • Sarachnis
      • Vardorvis
      • The Leviathan
      • Kalphite Queen (with Desert unlocked)
    • Players can now fire broad arrows from the twisted bow.
    • Guardians of the Rift will now give bonus points for T3/T6 League players (3x/5x).
    • Fixed a bug with the bronze-rune mace attack animations.
    • Production prodigy now smelts gold bars into jewellery all at once (if the player selects to smith more than 1).
    • Phosani's nightmare kills will now count towards the Nightmare Master combat achievement.
    • Fixed a bug where the “Hide donator icons” setting wouldn’t update the chatbox until the player reloaded.
    • Private message donator icons will now be hidden if the player toggles the “Hide donator icons” option.
    • Fixed a bug where players were only getting 1 Kindling at a time if they had less than 2 free inventory slots when cutting.
    • The full health pillars during the awakened whisperer fight will now spawn in the middle to always provide a solution to the attack without taking damage.
    • Fixed inconsistencies between the karambwan/shrimp/karambwanji fishing spots when using the runelite fishing plugin.
    • Fixed a bug where the dragon slayer II quest interface could not be opened.
    • Fixed a bug with the screaming twisted banshee’s animations.
    • The Screaming twisted banshee now drops dark totem pieces.
    • Fixed a bug where the mor-ul-rek bank was not an "allowed" leagues area.
    • Chat messages from making molten glass will now categorized as spam messages which can be filtered in the game tab.
    • The Statue of Elidinis will now heal players to their max hitpoints + 7.
    • Fixed a few remaining safespots for demonic gorillas.
    • Fixed a typo with the fight cave completions league tasks.
    • Tombs of Amascut supplies can no longer be noted.
    • Fixed a bug where entering the hardwood grove after completing the Karamja hard diaries would not complete the league task to enter the hardwood grove.
    • The auto-pickup ammunition diary perk will now only be activated after completion of the Kourend hard diary.
    • Equipping a dragon spear will now complete the league task to equip a dragon tier weapon.
    • The battlefront teleport through POH portals will no teleport players to the correct location.
    • Fixed a bug where Vardorvis' axe attack could hit players if he healed on the same tick he died.


We hope you enjoy this update!