Account Name (IGN): Jstyles
Discord Tag: Song#2017
What is your current rank?: ~N/A~
When did you last apply for a rank?: ~N/A~
What rank are you applying for?: Recruit
What are your strengths?: Communicative, Motivator, Friendly, Helpful --- Dedicated to PvM
What are your weaknesses?: Sometimes can be shy or plain quiet one day or two, easily distracted by different tasks, XP wasteful , not much of a participant when it comes to most events.
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for:
I suppose as of late, I've been active and talking a bit in CC --- and oddly enough... sometimes offering help with certain things such as Pest Control or Bandos. I probably went as far as making new friends here and there. Not Tauri suggested the idea of applying for rank, so this is an opportunity to be more involved with a community that I'm comfortable with. If there's anything that I feel that earns me the rank that I'm applying for, it would solely be my strengths.