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st 1ucif3r

Member Since 16 Oct 2021
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2024 08:28 PM

Topics I've Started

Highscore changes

26 November 2022 - 08:54 PM

What is your suggestion?: Change current highscores or create another section to operate as actual highscores.

Is this in OSRS?: Osrs displays max exp ranks depending on who got them first

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Currently highscores act more like an archive of all the players who have reached max exp in any skill and worse yet 4.6 - it displays rank based on the date at which max exp was reached and completely loses "highscore" purpose afterward indefinitely. Changing it to accurately show rank based on total amount of exp only makes sense. I would be open to changing the current highscores to an actual highscore list or if you find value in seeing who reached max exp in each stat + 4.6 in what order a separate accurate highscores could be added.



AFTERNOTE: To clear any confusion - I DO NOT want highscores to display users based on 1. Account creation date OR 2. Achievement date.

I DO WANT highscores to display users on who has more exp AKA HIGHSCORES.

Golden Monkey Pet

23 September 2022 - 07:07 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Add a golden monkey pet for 4.6B exp. This could be modeled after a gree-gree transformation with the golden color added. It could be added to or kept from the collection log depending on community feedback. 


Is this in OSRS?: No


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No


How would this benefit Alora?:

Given that 4.6B exp is such a big part of end game content it would be an awesome addition to be able to have the golden monkey pet so that you can use any of the other great looking monkey backpack variants, scroll sack, infernal cape etc and still show off your comp status. I could go either way on the pet being added to collection log; while on one hand the obvious argument against is "forcing" anyone to skill for hundreds or perhaps thousands of hours to get a pet for log may sound rough. On the other hand having it in collection log gives people an extra incentive to go out and put the time in to parts of the game they might otherwise never use and making that "All Pets" log all the more impressive.