What is your suggestion?: Make it that the Lizardman shaman in Cox can drop the DWH
Is this in OSRS?: no
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no
How would this benefit Alora?: It would be cool to be able to get a dwh from the Shamans inside COX.
On Osrs the lizardman shaman inside COX are able to drop the long bone (1:400) and the curved bone (1:5013). The Dwh is 1:5000 as most of u know. So since u are able to get a curved bone inside the Chambers, it would be cool (and just as fair) to be able to get a Dwh inside the Chambers.
Im not sure if u are able to get long bones and curved bones inside the Chambers on Alora. But i think it would be a cool addition, since u are, for example, also able to get an Onyx from Tekton or a beaver from woodcutting at Ice Demon.
I support this - but only if we could raise it a tiny bit more, maybe 1/6k?
Overall though, support!
- Brambo likes this