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Member Since 07 Oct 2021
Previous Username: Variant
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#490776 colosseum waves for donators

Posted by VARlANT on 07 July 2024 - 09:26 AM

I've gotten to later waves and to Sol multiple times, I have just not been good enough to finish it and that's why it is fun. It is challenging and it was intentionally designed to be challenging.
Also I did not say that waves 1-6 are make or break, I said that if you can't do those (the ones you wanna skip) then you can't do the 6-11.
Again, all I read on your response is you trying to sound smart about something you really aren't while defending it to get easier... but that's old news :) 

Personal attacks on a suggestion conversation is weird and unnecessary, I don't know what your problem with me is but fight about it with yourself.


In regard to the actual suggestion, I don't see an issue in skipping to wave 6 and that's the last I'll say on this thread, please keep your personal attacks and issues to yourself.

#490747 colosseum waves for donators

Posted by VARlANT on 06 July 2024 - 03:52 PM

Up until Legendary rank you only get to skip 15/20/25 inferno waves so although no one actually does the 69 waves it's still time consuming if you're not high donator rank.
The first 6 waves are absolutely not filler waves unless you're at least somewhat experienced with Colosseum. If you can't do the first half of the Colosseum you can't do the second half neither...
As people have been saying - this is supposed to be a hard challenge. For once we have an activity on Alora that is actually challenging and not 'cheesable' with p2w features like donator rank and you're trying to end that. Yes it's a RSPS but with Alora's increased accuracy, @Omicron's changes on Colosseum and max gear I'd say it's balanced enough. But looking at your Colosseum KC and your donator rank I understand you supporting this.

I mean I did mention specifically it would be nice for donators in the $5k+ range and you're talking about legendary where it's only $750..


If you think the first 6 waves is what's going to make or break your run, then I'm assuming you can't even clear wave 7, let alone gotten to waves 10/11. I agree it should be a challenge, but no way is starting at wave 6 going to just clear your full run, especially if we still make players take the invocations from the waves they skipped, I personally don't use many supplies until about wave 7 or 8 except for possibly 2-3 super restore sips, if you can't do this then maybe it's more challenging for some than I originally believed, but don't look too hard at my kc though, I haven't ran many attempts at all since the nerfs, and have felt that it shouldn't take long to clear if i give it full attention for more than a couple of days (copium possibly?).


If the players think a higher splinter drop rate is a better move I could get behind that as well.

#490664 colosseum waves for donators

Posted by VARlANT on 06 July 2024 - 09:40 AM

Unlike Inferno, that has 69 waves and takes on average 45min-1hour to complete, The Colosseum takes around 20 minutes to reach Sol Heredit so I don't think having donators start at later waves benefits that much.
Wave skipping on inferno is a time saving perk that pretty much skips 'filler waves' which makes sense on a RSPS. But wave skipping on a 11 waves minigame where each one of them represent a challenge is just lazy in my opinion.
There were already made significant changes to The Colosseum to make it more accessible and people are still figuring out ways of getting it for free... 
No Support from me

No one on alora does 69 waves on inferno regardless of rank, so this argument is mute.

I’d say the first 6 waves are complete filler waves imo, I don’t see any risk to get there other than shit rng on invocations, which I don’t think rng invocations should make or break a run like they do in colosseum and a LOT of OSRS players feel like Jagex fucked up in making it this way to begin with.

Since colosseum has been out for a bit maybe we can wait a little longer before implementing this, but it would fall in line with how we do other mini games and if anything would just be a QoL for Alora supporters, especially when you get into the $5k+ donator rank range, in a world where people feel like immortal and eternal perks are lack luster as is.

I’d support this or having a wider choices in invocations as the donate rank goes up.

#490647 Vote Shop

Posted by VARlANT on 06 July 2024 - 02:21 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Add chaos and death runes to the vote shop for 2 points per 100 runes, since it's a lower tier than souls and bloods which give 50 runes per 2 points.


How would this benefit Alora?:

Early level ironmen, irons with shadows, and irons who want to cast barrage spells in the late game would all benefit from these additions. Alora itself would benefit since players will use more vote books for more runes, thus leading to more votes, and it would be even less op than currently buying soul and blood runes is, so I don't see any harm in this addition.

#490476 Advertisement section in TP

Posted by VARlANT on 03 July 2024 - 11:37 PM

Although I support this idea, I feel like it’s only okay because we are avoiding the real issue. I think the tp should recognize platinum tokens and use it as a form of currency mixed with gp, that way people could not just advertise but actually sell their high end items on the tp.

#490390 Collection Log Highscores

Posted by VARlANT on 03 July 2024 - 07:46 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Allow us to compare all game modes collection logs in highscores.



How would this benefit Alora?:

The players who even care about collection log highscores want to know where they rank in their grind, right now you can only compare yourself to your game mode, but it would be neat to see how you place server wide. By adding a 'view all' option on this drop down menu we could see all players clogging.




Tbf I don't know how this would effecting 'viewing all' for skills highscores, or if it's even possible to compare all skills highscores, this suggestion is specific to the collection log comparison.


#490300 Add a ::boosts command

Posted by VARlANT on 02 July 2024 - 01:13 PM

i thought this was already in the game until i tried it a couple days ago, makes sense support

  • Mhk likes this

#490299 1.2x Hunter Rumour Bonus & Quetzin Hunt

Posted by VARlANT on 02 July 2024 - 01:12 PM

if it will make me do less hunter, then support great call

#490298 Looting Bag updated options

Posted by VARlANT on 02 July 2024 - 01:12 PM

solid suggestion, support

#490294 Sol Heredit Training Ticket

Posted by VARlANT on 02 July 2024 - 01:10 PM

+1 from me, just seems to make sense with the other training tickets.

#490276 Gravestones

Posted by VARlANT on 02 July 2024 - 10:15 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Add gravestones to Alora that will hold players items on death for a set amount of time. Players would need to unlock their items for a fee. We could also add deaths coffer that would accept items for a gold value, to increase their amount spent to be able to retrieve those items back (could be used as an item sink).


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

This could work as a money sink while also helping players who disconnect and die pvming from losing their items. 



With all the money 'collected' from these deaths it could go to either the well of goodwill to make the community happy, OR towards buying items from TP using the item consumption device to help delete items from the game, the GP will go back to players, that would go back to paying death fees in a cycle that will lead to no extra money coming in but items getting removed.

#490217 Game Modes

Posted by VARlANT on 01 July 2024 - 04:48 PM

I would REALLY like to see a small variety of experience rates available for each game mode.

But, EIM shouldn't merge with normal ironman as they have already established partners.

EIM would essentially merge with GIM, no tradable ironman game mode would merge with normal ironman for integrity reasons.

In regards to the boosts, I think every XP mode should have 100% of the boosts so it's a lot less confusing. But, those who choose 2x should only receive half of every XP boost in game (and not just some).

I personally don't agree, mainly because I don't know if it's possible, and even at 2x xp rate with xp getting halved, they received all the benefits of speeding skills prior so if they have 30m xp and it was halved to 15m xp, they still got 1-99 without the true struggle of 2x xp.
-EDIT- I see I misquoted the wrong part in this response, on mobile so this edit will have to do, I meant to respond to the part where players should be allowed to pick a lower xp rate, and halve their current xp for the original response I gave

I think that 4 options would be too many. When you say 2x and 8x seems like too much of a gap, keep in mind that 8x and 40x is an even bigger gap. If anything, I think the experience rates could be 3x, 10x, and 40x. I have a feeling that FAR more people would play realism if it were 3x as opposed to 2x. And they should want more people to play their game mode to help their economy.

I think 4 options is just enough imo because I've personally played all 4 options and know that there is a significant difference from 2x to 8x, but 40x is not a lot when post 99's are 15x and most players going to a new RSPS are looking for something that's 40x and 15x, but 8x being the next grind would be a nice introduction to those who want to challenge themselves more, but I respect all your feedback and opinions thank you.

#490042 Reduce Awakened Boss Accuracy

Posted by VARlANT on 29 June 2024 - 10:22 AM

No support. Awakened versions are supposed to be super punishing especially Vardovis if you miss axe skipping. Maybe as some have mentioned, slightly delaying the projectile by a tick just like how it was done with awakened whisper tentacles would be a better solution than nerfing accuracy as a whole.

I wouldn’t agree to this either, it would literally throw everyone off of how it’s supposed to be. The reason whisperer was fixed was because this is how it is on osrs, it was bugged by attacking too early on alora.

#489769 Xp Rates and game modes

Posted by VARlANT on 26 June 2024 - 05:07 PM

no support. ironman modes are designed to be self sufficient game modes for personal achievements, not comparing yourself to others. if people are demoralized because you can buy items on certain modes then that is a personal issue those players need to overcome and not have game systems changed to accomodate them. also, correct me if im wrong as i may well be, but havnt you actively bought Gim items and are now arguing that it compromises the integrity of the mode?

comparing ourselves to others is literally what 99% of the alora/osrs community does and is literally why highscores are a thing, so that argument is kind of invalid. Not to mention it's your personal opinion that we shouldn't compare ourselves, and our achievements, to others on a game where achievements are literally everything people play for.


its not only demoralizing, it ruins the integrity of the game mode which it wasn't intended to do, Jagex fixed this by creating non ranked group accounts with ugly green helms.


You are correct I have a fully maxed gim bank, and a large majority of it was bought from other players, which is why I know it isn't the same as you explained a 'self sufficient game mode' and why I would like the same xp rate experience playing a game mode that has the integrity of a self sufficient game mode, and I have spoken with others who have felt the same and hopefully voice their opinion on this suggestion as well.

#489767 Xp Rates and game modes

Posted by VARlANT on 26 June 2024 - 04:25 PM

Completely understand your intention, HCIM was the perfect balance for my enjoyment in regards to exp until Vorkath deleted me.
Though I don’t think this is the end-all solution.

I feel like it’ll create more separation between 40x Grey Helms and 6x Grey Helms. Then there’s always the debate on Donor ranks and their benefits.

Honestly I was trying to brainstorm ways of working with our current setup, since i still strongly believe there's too many game modes, and this was one solution I had. The other was just allowing players to pick their game mode and then pick their xp rates, this would basically remove/merge gim and eim, and potentially remove classic since it would just be normie with a different rate with realism being untouched since it's still a separate eco