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Member Since 02 Oct 2021
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#499602 Alora's 8th Anniversary - BIGGEST DROP PARTY YET & $1200 Value G...

Posted by Jerbear on 02 November 2024 - 02:16 PM

Excited for this, and wild it's been 8 years of uptime! Congratulations and thanks to all those who have made it possible to run so long

#495832 Wield Imcando Hammer in Off-hand

Posted by Jerbear on 21 September 2024 - 05:34 PM

What is your suggestion?:

It would be nice (if possible) to wield imcando hammer in the off-hand slot. This would allow for dual-wielding it with the crystal and amy's saws for fashionable attire.

Is this in OSRS?:


As pointed out by @Formula One, this is available on OSRS! Thank you :) https://oldschool.ru...mmer_(off-hand)

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

Not that I've seen!

How would this benefit Alora?:


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#493103 Mark of Grace Update?

Posted by Jerbear on 09 August 2024 - 07:54 PM

It's guaranteed 1 per lap at Ardy if you have the elite diaries done. Agree with other responders, this doesn't need a rework

#493101 Trade in Guild Hunter pieces for loot sacks

Posted by Jerbear on 09 August 2024 - 05:56 PM

What is your suggestion?:
Like with pieces of the pyromancer outfit, allow players to trade in spare hunter guild outfit pieces for another loot sack. Could scale which sack with the player's hunter level (e.g. you receive the master sack if you're qualified to receive master tasks)

Is this in OSRS?:

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
Not that I've seen

How would this benefit Alora?:
Allows players to benefit from an otherwise purposeless duplicate item

#487059 Remove overall point limit from Guardians of the Rift

Posted by Jerbear on 20 May 2024 - 07:05 PM

On OSRS there is an overall limit of 1200 pts per game. This would be effectively setting the limit at 2200 (1100 per type). So yes, it's going to differ from OSRSO, but that seems like just an improvement. Don't think there's a need to precisely match OSRS for everything when we can make it better for the players here.

#487007 Remove overall point limit from Guardians of the Rift

Posted by Jerbear on 19 May 2024 - 03:11 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Remove the limit on overall points from Guardians of the Rift, but keep the individual for elemental and catalytic

Is this in OSRS?:

No, they limit to 1200

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

Not that I found

How would this benefit Alora?:

We already have limits at 1100 points on each individual energy. Limiting overall just frustrates as you can lose hundreds of charges when putting in all at once if your elemental or catalytic separately breaches the limit. Why not just have the cap on each separately? Otherwise we have to play to be less efficient, which just feels dumb.

#486526 Permanent Unlock of Falconry

Posted by Jerbear on 11 May 2024 - 01:52 PM

What is your suggestion?: 

Add a one-time, 500K payment to permanently unlock falconry

Is this in OSRS?:

Yes. See here

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

Not that I've seen

How would this benefit Alora?:

With the introduction of rumours, falconry is much more commonly needed. It sucks to have to pay every time you go, especially when OSRS has a way to not need to.

#478739 Alora Leagues

Posted by Jerbear on 03 February 2024 - 03:20 PM

Pretty new to the politics of the server, but is there any means by which the dev team can be expanded? Often times smaller QoL changes and bug fixes are an easy way to introduce a new developer to a tech stack, so they could help improve things for the players while Omi et al. focus on more complex content

#477289 Track Rewards Pools

Posted by Jerbear on 15 January 2024 - 01:02 PM

What is your suggestion?:
Currently, at several minigames and bosses, only the total number of completions is shown to players, not the number of rewards earned. As players can earn differing numbers of rewards per game, it's not as clear the effort for a reward.

For these places where the quantity of rewards is not in constant scale with the completions, let's add an additional metric to screens like the collection log to show the number of rewards claimed.

List of places to implement this (this is just where I've seen this could exist. If I've missed any please comment below, I'll edit the list to include!):
- Wintertodt
- Tempoross
- Guardians of the Rift

- Giants' Foundry

Is this in OSRS?:
No idea. Can't find a clear indication one way or another.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
Not that I could find with a quick search of the Accepted suggestions

How would this benefit Alora?:
Players can see a more accurate picture of the effort put in to achieve awards

#474994 Skill of the Day: Rework [2/2]

Posted by Jerbear on 17 December 2023 - 11:39 PM

To clarify, I would remove the second rotation of Str, Def, (ect) and replace them with skills such as Herblore (we would have 2 Herblore SotD) :) 

Let me know if this clarifies!

Got it! Yeah I interpreted the original as suggesting to remove those, something about saying "Some skills I would suggest we replace would be..." sounds like you're suggesting to replace those, not replace others with those. Thanks for clarifying.


That in mind, pretty on board with this! I do think that the combat skill of the day days are kinda a wash. Most people will kill shit on any day!

#474988 Skill of the Day: Rework [2/2]

Posted by Jerbear on 17 December 2023 - 11:17 PM

To make sure I'm understanding correctly, are you suggesting that the skills you've listed would no longer be part of the skill of the day rotation? Feels like many of those (Herblore, Runecrafting, Crafting, Fletching, Smithing) are ones that are a benefit to have bonus experience for. I'd rather see things like the combats dropped from the rotation, like the combats, as people will train those regardless


Better put — on a 31-day month, what is your proposed schedule?

#463232 Show remaining time left on boosts

Posted by Jerbear on 02 July 2023 - 08:06 PM

What is your suggestion?:
Show how long bonuses remain active on the View Boosts screen. For things like a minigame boosts, bonus XP, etc., show when that will end (X days, Y hours and Z minutes left)

Is this in OSRS?:
Nope, but then again neither are boosts afaik

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
Not that I could find

How would this benefit Alora?:
Lets users know how much longer they have to take advantage of the benefits. Means we can easily determine if we should start games or kills, use scroll boosts, etc.

#460382 Add Gold Tiara with Catalytic and Elemental variations

Posted by Jerbear on 20 May 2023 - 06:22 PM

What is your suggestion?:


there's a gold version of tiaras that is able to be made on OSRS. When this exists it can be combined with elemental and catalytic talismans to make their respective tiara versions. 

Is this in OSRS?:


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

Not that I have seen

How would this benefit Alora?:

Keeps us in parity with OSRS, easy to add (behavior mirrors that of regular tiaras), and it's pretty.

#456729 Say how much more is needed to fill well on yell

Posted by Jerbear on 30 March 2023 - 01:38 PM

What is your suggestion?:

When someone adds money to the well it tells you precisely how much was added. It would be nice to know how much more is needed to hit the goal.

Is this in OSRS?:

No, but neither is the well

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

On a search in the suggestions section, it was not turned up

How would this benefit Alora?:

Players would be more likely to donate if they see it is close to being full. Money sink go vroom

#455340 Predict my KC / Miq's journey for shadow

Posted by Jerbear on 15 March 2023 - 12:48 AM


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