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Fe I

Member Since 19 Sep 2021
Offline Last Active Sep 24 2021 09:24 PM

Topics I've Started

Ladies & Gentlemen, I pronounce Fe I & Fe II - Progression Thread

19 September 2021 - 09:55 PM

Hello wonderful people. My Name is Tyler & one of my achievements is my hardest one yet.
I am playing solo on TWO Elite Ironman accounts in hopes of maxing out both. This is my biggest challenge I've given myself on any Rsps.
The grind will surely be real.

Don't be shy in game,
Come say Hi!

In game names - Fe i & Fe ii

Best regards,


I will be posting pictures once I’ve got it figured out, till then ill just be updating it in writing! Sorry in advance.

•••• UPDATE ••••

—Day One—

First day on both accounts was interesting. I created both accounts but did not receive the start up items you normally get so I started literally from the ground up and had to grind to get my first weapon on both accounts.
I was kicking sand crabs until I got a pickaxe.
Once I got the pickaxe I got both accounts to Falador Mine where I mined ores needed to start smelting my first bronze sword.

Finally, I was no longer kicking crabs and gaining experience was a little faster.
I also earned my first tooth of half key! I was stoked.
An hour later I received the loop! Now it was time to open my first Crystal Chest.
I received my first 240k through this Crystal Chest and then I called it a night.

-Skills earned-
32 hitpoints
20 attack
41 strength
28 mining
22 smithing

Those are my only stats trained so far!
Stay tuned & follow this post for the next update.