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Member Since 09 Sep 2021
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2022 08:27 PM

Topics I've Started

Questful - Road to Max Iron

18 September 2021 - 08:42 PM

Hello and Welcome to my Thread (Who gets the reference..)


This will be used to track my progress (starting late, but ehh) on maxing out my Ironman on the game.

Once Maxed I plan to move along to Classic Mode.


This is nothing special but I hope to make it bigger and better as time goes on.


Thread will be updated as time goes on - no set "schedule" just as I feel needed.




- Base 80 Skills

- Base 90 Skills

- All Quests Completed

- Obtain 10 Pets

- Obtain Max Cape

- Multiple stacked items in bank/Organization


Week/Series 1:



Week/Series 2:


Questful -- Hello!

18 September 2021 - 08:26 PM

Hello Everyone!


My Name is Nick -- I'm from Pennsylvania (ugh.. )

I'm 27 years old -- single father to an amazing 3 year old boy, and I'm a BMW addict.

Grew up with e46's and e90s -- graduated to an F80 that is my daily.


I'm currently a Firefighter/EMT -- and 911 Dispatch Supervisor.


I've played RS since around 2004/2005 and stuck around the entire time through RS2, the horrid rs3 and into OSRS.

During that time I've played various RSPS servers, been staff, graphic designer/forums, and various tasks throughout many servers.


I've met a good chunk of you in-game already while I attempt to max out my Ironman 'Questful' and I hope to meet everyone else.


I love talking while online, whether in-game or discord. It keeps me busy and active.

Feel free to hit me up!


Discord: Questful#5584

IGN: Questful + Talentful