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- Alora
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Skribble received
1 x Magic fang from Zulrah! (#66)
Sep 27, 2021 7:00 pmSkribble received
1 x Serpentine visage from Zulrah! (#59)
Sep 25, 2021 9:15 pmTopics I've Started
Selling $100 custom
17 September 2021 - 05:25 PM
Multi Logging rule.
10 September 2021 - 06:51 AM
I'll start off saying I was given a warning by "Amica" because of the events unfolded explained next;
I was at a lava dragon task on my EIM, I had been seen by a pker "Ivar Bonless", I keep the gate closed so anyone that comes without bounty tp, I can see. He stands there for a while, I say in chat "pls no" he waits a few minutes, then runs to the gate, opens it and attempts to attack me, I log out. I stayed logged out for the next 40 minutes watching youtube, I logged back in, all was good I carried on with my task. no more than 3 kills later, he comes back, again, he comes running through the gate, I get the log out again. I wait another 20 minutes, log back in, continue my task. He comes back again after another 2-3 kills, this time he kills me as I'm caught off guard tabbed out, so I can't log out in time. I say cool. I log on another account, and gear it up in purely bought shop welfare gear as I haven't pked in about 10 years. (I cannot defend myself on my iron account when I'm geared up for slayer, it is impossible, I have no gear I have no levels, at this point I'm being ragged off of my task.) I take my EIM and alt back to lava dragons, continuing my task.
Again, this "pker" as they're supposedly called, I prefer the term "pvm killer" but it is what it is, comes back. The very second he see's my alt geared up to fight back, he turns and runs away, my EIM does not interact at all with either of these accounts, it is completely afk stood still while I begin to chase on my alt out of lava dragons. I catch a freeze on him and tab out to log my EIM out, I am now only logged in onto one account, with some incredibly bad pking from my part, I somehow managed to kill the other guy, in what world he loses to me I don't know, but he did. Now I'm told I deserve to be punished for this as it's rule breaking.So this is my feedback based on this situation, I want to play my EIM, I understand that pking and risk of dying is part of the wilderness and I happily accept that, I've been killed plenty of times with no problem, but when I am being constantly ragged off of an area by one player, who's not even my target by the way, he is 100% clearly targeting my EIM because I cannot fight back (heavily under leveled, and geared for pvm.) for free kills farming, now I have two options, either I don't play with my chosen activity for the rest of the day (Being bonus slayer points day, I want to do slayer without cancelling my task, I might not have points.) or I feed him free kills repeatedly giving him free pkp/emblem upgrades whatever, which is essentially rule breaking as I am purposely dying to him to do my task no? I don't believe this should break the multi logging rule, as I was solo at lava dragons on my EIM 4 times in a row for the same "pker" he had 4 opportunities to kill my iron man 1 on 1, then I turn the odds to be even after he's had 4 free chances with no possible death for him, by bringing an account that can actually attempt to fight back. He see's this account and runs away, which again, clearly shows he's only hunting my iron man for the free kills, he is not "pking" he's "pvm killing" (farming free pkp and loot with no risk involved.)
I believe this rule is not good for the pking community as I, a bad pker, would make for entertainment for other actual pkers if I was allowed to defend myself. I can't be the only one that views "pking" to be boring when you're just hitting a punching bag until it falls over, I'm sure other pkers would enjoy an actual fight, which I can't do if I'm playing on my iron man being ragged off my task. Idk. Just feel like the rule could be improved. I know it won't be, but just wanted to share my story, hopefully some actual pkers will start killing the pvm killers so we don't have to break rules to actually give "pkers" risk in the wilderness.Either way, I got a warning fair enough, bit salty about getting the warning but I won't do it again, guess I'll just have to miss out on the bonus slayer points for now.