I didn't know the guy at all, however reading through the post and comments found myself with watery eyes. It's so heartwarming to see how nice a community can be at a time of such sadness and serious real life situations, I only wish I could have known him personally, sounds like a great guy to be friends with. My prayers go out to the family and friends<3
- Alora
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1 x Magic fang from Zulrah! (#66)
Sep 27, 2021 7:00 pmSkribble received
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Sep 25, 2021 9:15 pmPosts I've Made
In Topic: Memorial of Gabrifane99 -- +3b Drop party
25 September 2021 - 02:21 PM
In Topic: Multi Logging rule.
11 September 2021 - 01:05 AM
Interesting to post here. I was in the CC with you when this occurred.
While I do fully see your point, and his actions were tryhard, at the end of the day the wilderness is the wilderness be prepared to be attacked and if not don't go.
You know the risks, crossing the ditch is basically accepting the acknowledgement, regardless of tryhards.But this is literally my point, I am well aware of the risks of a single world wilderness, and I am very much so prepared to be attacked, by having an alt that I can actually fight on. This is being prepared, but it breaks the rules if I use it in a certain way, but I can bypass the rule with a technical loophole which is then allowed, it doesn't make sense.
Basically I was told, if I have my alt logged in somewhere else in the wilderness, multi logging is fine. But if it's near my other account, it's not fine. So I am not allowed to be near myself to protect it, now going by my situation explained at the start, I got the logout to escape multiple times, so regardless if my alt was there or not, I escape, right? So now why does it matter if my alt is at KBD entrance or Lavas, I can get to the pker regardless of which location I am at to attack him once my EIM is logged out, because combat interaction has not occurred, therefore I am not "protecting" or "pjing" him off my Iron. So now if I'm logged in right next to my alt, and I log my iron out before he starts attacking, then attack him on my reg, it's against the rules, yet it's an identical situation of interactions. If both accounts I am logged into at once do not interact, I don't see why it's a problem, my reg is not assisting my iron, it's just there idle. My iron does not assist my reg in pking, it's just there, idle or logged out. I do not have 4 hands, I am not playing both accounts, I am not 2v1'ing a pvm killer.
The wilderness was built based on having the option of multiple worlds, we do not have that option in an rsps which is why the wild does not work as intended or in an efficient/proper way. Wilderness is a lot harder to balance in an rsps, especially when you have a BH system you can't opt out of, I feel big changes should be made to make everything better for all pkers, pvm killer and pvmers alike. I am not against what happened to me, I am against that I am not allowed to do what I did, why is it ok for him to deny my access to part of the game and I am not allowed to do anything about it? That's just not right.
Personally I believe an immense amount of improvements could be made to improve the wilderness for all. Just my opinion, everyone should have fair access to all the games activities and resources. It's a game.
In Topic: Multi Logging rule.
10 September 2021 - 07:35 AM
Yeah, you did the right thing here. And multi-logging is totally legal on OSRS so why should it be against the rules on here? Especially if you're just using it to get some loser off of your EIM who's just trying to slay. If he killed you once and left you alone, then that's fair game, but him coming back over and over to try to farm off you is against the rules so how were you in the wrong for this? I don't see it.
Thanks for the reply, unfortunately I do have to agree that according to the ::rules, I was infact against the rules. But this is why I made the post, in hopes the rule might get changed around a bit, albeit, would be hard to enforce or see that it's being used properly. I would like something added on so that after a pker has had a few attempts at killing you one on one, you should be allowed to defend yourself on an alt, if you cannot defend yourself on your main account. But this is where it gets tricky, as if I had the gear and levels, I would be perfectly happy to defend myself on my iron, although it would be a lot harder as I'd be carrying pvm and pk gear, it's still more chance than the literal 0 I currently have at surviving a pker attack. I'm not sure exactly how the rule could be changed, which is my reasoning for posting all of this in the feedback section rather than making a suggestion, I just hope this is read with an open mind by people looking at it from every side, I have both been a full pker, and pvmer in multiple rsps in the past, I haven't pked in many years and as far as I can tell, the pk scene is pretty much turned into the pvm killing scene.
Incentive for actual pker vs pker action would be good, the current only incentive I can see is the shutdown system, which in my opinion just isn't good enough. The free streaks pvm killers can farm from hunting a highly iron man populated server is insane. Maybe changed could be made to rewards from killing people with certain risk, I.E; You kill someone with low BH risk, you get 25% of the reward you would get from killing someone with high BH risk, just an example so you get the idea I'm going for here. (Not that this was even a situation regarding BH, but just more incentive for pker vs pker, would be nice for both the pk community and iron man community as I enjoy doing both.)