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Member Since 25 Aug 2021
Previous Username: IvyMuphin
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 11:44 PM

#509837 120 Capes?

Posted by Muphin on 06 March 2025 - 11:10 AM

Hey, unfortunately this this a duplicate suggestion: https://www.alora.io...=+mastery +cape
<p>Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+.</p>

#509152 Normal & Classic mode

Posted by Muphin on 26 February 2025 - 02:32 AM

Hey @Grimy Cape, so all game-modes have the same drop rate, however just different experience rates! 


The only thing that boosts drop rates is high donator ranks Uber ($2500)+.


Check this guide out here to see all game-modes and any information on them: Game mode Information - Misc Guides - Alora | Oldschool MMORPG

#509143 Rune Pouch

Posted by Muphin on 25 February 2025 - 10:49 PM

Big big QOL. Support.

#509063 CC Tab

Posted by Muphin on 25 February 2025 - 03:02 AM

I can support this. In OSRS, they have a great system where as stated you can set your chat mode to (Clan).

#509025 [24/02/25] Royal Titans, Scurrius, Obor, Bryophyta, Colossal Wyrm + Varrock A...

Posted by Muphin on 24 February 2025 - 05:47 PM

Big update! Absolutely love it!

Looking forward to trying out this content!

#508934 Ivy's Goals and Achievements

Posted by Muphin on 23 February 2025 - 06:28 PM

Ivy's Goal and Achievements


Welcome to my Goals and Achievements thread! 

Feel free to follow my journey throughout these grinds (Updated: 24/02/2025)


History: At the start of 2024, I decided to take a break from Alora forever, upon doing so, I dropped all of the wealth from my account (roughly 15b in items).Funny enough, 1 year later here I am! Upon returning I've decided to challenge myself with a rebuild!


Skilling/Miscellaneous Goals:

Stats_icon.png?1b467 50m base stats: 25m/50m

Stats_icon.png?1b467 2.8 Billion experience: 2.165b/2.8b

Stats_icon.png?1b467 Obtain Completionist Cape: 8/9 Requirements

Minigame_icon.png?e4ffe&20150606074934 Complete Mahogony Homes Collection Log

Minigame_icon.png?e4ffe&20150606074934 Complete Mastering Mixology Collection Log

Minigame_icon.png?e4ffe&20150606074934 Complete Tithe Farm Collection Log

Minigame_icon.png?e4ffe&20150606074934 Complete Giants Foundry Collection Log

Minigame_icon.png?e4ffe&20150606074934 Complete Guardians of the Rift Collection Log

Golden_tench.png?923a0 Complete Ariel Fishing Collection Log

Collection_log.png?70d32 Achieve 1000 Collection Log slots: 753/1000 Collection Log slots

Combat_Achievements_-_master_tier_icon.p Achieve Master Combat Achievements: 1233/1535 Combat Achievement Points


Boss Drops:

Zenyte.png?8abb8 Obtain 4 Zenyte Shards: 1/4 Shards obtained

Voidwaker.png?90ef4 Obtain Voidwaker

Bow_of_faerdhinen_%28inactive%29.png?919 Obtain Bow of Faerdhinen

Blessed_dizana%27s_quiver.png?d1dee Obtain Dizana's Blessed Quiver

Tumeken%27s_guardian.png?5790e Obtain full Masori/Osmumten's Fang

Olmlet.png?d8722 Obtain full Ancestral/Olmlet Pet

Lil%27_zik.png?c62f1 Obtain Avernic Defender

Nexling.png?23e0d Obtain full Torva/Zaryte Vambraces/Zaryte Crossbow

Nid.png?b5a13 Obtain Araxyte Fang/Noxius Halberd

Virtus_mask.png?3a5cd Obtain full Virtus

Revenant_ether_5.png?bdfe9 Complete Revenant Collection Log

Tiny_tempor.png?77385 Complete Tempoross Collection Log



Green = Complete

Orange = In Progress

Grey = Haven't started grind yet


2025 Miscellaneous Drops/Achievements:


#508233 2025 Alora Statistics

Posted by Muphin on 16 February 2025 - 06:20 PM

Absolutely fire post! @Pase, absolutely love your work! Can't wait to see more!

#508035 ICE Bingo Recap (Feb 2025)

Posted by Muphin on 14 February 2025 - 08:05 PM

Absolutely amazing event hosted by the boys. Unfortunately RNG wasn't on the side of us Burthrope Beta Boys, but that'll change next time!

Congratulations to all winners, and big gz to SG2 on being alora's biggest spoon with the OG oce account!

#507682 Immortal+ Donator Zone

Posted by Muphin on 10 February 2025 - 06:06 PM

I am neutral on this idea, however what i'm about to suggest would change it to a support. If this was added in today, it would leave a gap between Extreme Donator -> Master Donator. 10$ donators have a tonne of benefits which is well suited for the price of the rank, as for 50$ donator for free slayer skips. The only real benefits from Extreme - Master is the increased drop rates for Uber/Master and earlier wave starts. 


If there was some wriggle room on adding a few more donator benefits for the ranks in-between (I can think of a list if you'd like, haven't really thought too much into it yet) then I'd be more than happy to support the quotations in your post. 


One downside I can see that if this is added, there will be more and more suggestions, which yes, can get declined, but would like to see whatever the zone is originally set with, for there to be no more additions.


What is your suggestion?:
Make a new donator zone for Immortal donator+, detailed suggestions below.



How would this benefit Alora?:

Let me preface this with, I know what I'm asking is going to be over powered, but I'm arguing that $10k into donations on a RSPS deserves it while also not make it game breaking. Not to mention this would be a great incentive for people to aim for immortal status+ (in a world where everyone agrees that there aren't enough benefits).


First of all lets pick a location, I personally like dz2 to be the new area, and move the current things offered from our current dz2 to the normal donator zone.


What should a good donator zone offer?


Skilling options:

•Hunter: Black chinchompas without the bonus xp the wilderness offers, to allow that option to still be better



•Fishing: allow this area to fish angler fish at the same speed as they are in the wilderness (it's usually dead there anyways) with a close bank

Support -> Anglers are easy to get your hands on for any game mode.


•Smithing: a furnace/anvil that will be closer to a bank



•Farming: New herb, tree, fruit tree, and hardwood patches



•Thieving: A vyre and crystal npc close to a bank that players can pickpocket for enhanced teleport crystals and blood shards

Might be a bit too overpowered - But support nonetheless


•Prayer: an altar close to a bank that provides the bonus xp as your PoH with lit burners, I'd personally like the wilderness altar effect to save bones considering the req to even enter the area, but that's up for debate

Maybe not the wilderness effect, as that seems just a bit too overpowered.


•Mining: Amethyst ore vein closer to a bank than the current mining guild location



•Fming: an infinate campfire where you can throw logs in and get the full xp as if you were burning logs with a tinderbox

Potentially at 3/4 of full xp e.g 1k = 750xp on campire


•Instance puro puro, because $10k+ deserves that



PvM Options:

•Vyrewatch Sentinels: Current location can easily get over crowded, and does so a lot, include them always being aggressive

•Entrance to an instanced catacombs of kourend for private slayer (just how we had it for leagues)




I believe one of the reasons more expansion to the current donator zones before was they didn't want to split up the community so much, but I also believe that there should be significantly more benefits to high tier donators. Also, there's so much content that I'm leaving out of this suggestion that players will still see each other in edgeville or bossing, that it shouldn't really be a factor. Also, there are a LOT of players that have reached immortal and eternal status's that I believe these new areas will have a lot of traction.


#507653 Moons Of Peril Fun Guide

Posted by Muphin on 10 February 2025 - 11:44 AM

Really nice chill guide. As others have stated would be great to have all the extra information added. However regardless you've gone out of your way to get something in, which I'm sure anyone who hasn't touched Moons content will be able to follow with ease!

#507606 SG2's Ice Bingo Recap

Posted by Muphin on 09 February 2025 - 12:22 PM

Absolutely massive spoonage SG, massive congrats on all the drops.

#507476 Daily Task QOL

Posted by Muphin on 08 February 2025 - 12:12 AM

I'd definitely be down for this, or even other suggestions, but just being stuck with 3 per day that you have to do every day to keep streak kinda lame :L


Yeah daily rewards need so much more love, considering they've been pretty much the same since they released. Have more put this up as a starting point on a full re-work.

I would like to see a whole rework for the tasks as well as the shop. So much more new content to be added as tasks such as hunter rumours, giants foundry etc. and adding some new rewards would make it more worth doing. Also make the streak give more points and make it like Slayer task streak, right now I think it caps at 10 days to get the extra point rewards and some of the items are quite expensive. I do not, however, want to make it too good so you are kinda "forced" to do it like in RS3 or whatever because I think it defeats the purpose a bit. But some more incentives to actually do them would be great as well as make the task list way bigger since right now you see the same ones over and over again way too often.

I do like your idea @Ivy to help the newcomers get their first Arclight or whatever. (Loyalty shop would benefit from an addition or a rework as well but that is another dicussion...)


Yeah I fully agree with you @Sagacious. I'm slowly working on a few things and a whole re-work for daily rewards is apart of it. Like you've said so much more amazing content has been added and would be amazing to utilize this in daily tasks. So much positive impact for this, such as allowing new players to try new content they've never tried! I think this is a good start and is able help direct us for an eventual overhaul (if it gets accepted) :)

#507348 Add Giant's Foundry plugin

Posted by Muphin on 06 February 2025 - 09:27 PM

Big support, this carried me through my foundry grind on OSRS and just made the grind that tiny bit more chill!

#507226 Daily Task QOL

Posted by Muphin on 05 February 2025 - 06:21 PM

What is your suggestion?: Add a scroll (Like sherlock notes) that allows you to re-roll a tier in daily tasks.

Is this in OSRS?: No

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Allows newer players collecting points for the likes of arclight, shayzien armour, gauntlets etc to have the option of re-rolling a task if unable to do current one. You could even add in the option of allowing 3 re-rolls per day so it's not completely overpowered. 


The way of obtaining would be loyalty points, and a non-tradeable item. 

#507030 Staff Update 2/3/2025

Posted by Muphin on 03 February 2025 - 03:32 PM

Massive congratulations to Logan, I can honestly say that this is super deserved, the work and effort you put into Alora and the team is astounding, massive baldness to step into! 


Also, Congratulations to 18, Minken on the promotion, you guys deserve it.


I always dislike seeing the pink names at the end of staff updates.


It's a sad day knowing Kyle has left the team, I know we're all going to miss you and can only wish you all the best with IRL <3

All the best Kareem Sqr, the work you have done hasn't gone un-noticed and you will be deeply missed!