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Member Since 15 Aug 2021
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2022 11:34 PM

#427901 [Achievement Diary] Auto-Complete '10 Duels' for Ironmen

Posted by Monzo on 05 April 2022 - 10:05 AM

Support without a doubt it's easy enough to find someone else to do it with but either needs removing all together as it's pointless but irons should get auto complete if they decide to keep it in.

#427229 [Spring '22] Community Awards

Posted by Monzo on 27 March 2022 - 05:38 AM




Best Event Manager: @Moe


Best Administrator: @2


Best Global Moderator: @To gain


Best Forum Moderator: @Amica


Best Server Moderator: 


Best Server Support: @Gimslaving


Most active on Discord: @2


Most active In-game: @Gimslaving


Most active on Forums: @Omicron


Most Respected: @Gimslaving


Most Potential Promotion: @Gimslaving


Funniest Staff Member: @2


Overall Best Staff Member: @2






Most Active In-game: @Realmungard


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord: 


Most Active Overall: @Realmungard


Most Wealthy: @Q


Most Addicted to Gambling: @dynoxia00


Most Friendly: @EIM Bust


Most Respected: @EIM Bust


Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper: @EIM Bust


Best Edgeville Pker: @casual


Best Hybrid: @casual


Best NH Pker: @casual


Best PvMer: @Ty


Best Raider: @Ty


Best Skiller: @Realmungard


Best Clan: @Paragon


Best Ironman: 


Best Hardcore Ironman: 


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Absurd


Best Elite Ironman: @EIM Bust


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Charizard


Best Realism Player: @Realmungard


Best Classic Player: 


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: @Bonkloots


Best Streamer:


Top Overall: @Realmungard

#410146 Signature

Posted by Monzo on 17 September 2021 - 11:56 AM

All my gfx is done by @Sunnii amazing work!

#410141 [Fall '21] Community Awards

Posted by Monzo on 17 September 2021 - 11:50 AM




Best Event Manager: @Moe


Best Administrator: @A


Best Global Moderator: @Lucifers GIM


Best Forum Moderator: 


Best Server Moderator: @Monaco


Best Server Support: @f1nally


Most active on Discord: @Ky


Most active In-game: @Ky


Most active on Forums: 


Most Respected: @Classic


Most Potential Promotion: @f1nally


Funniest Staff Member: 


Overall Best Staff Member: @Ky






Most Active In-game: @Gimslaving


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall: @Gimslaving


Most Wealthy: @Q


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Q


Most Friendly: @Realmungard


Most Respected: @Extremedanny


Coolest Veteran: @Miq


Best Helper: @EIM Bust


Best Edgeville Pker: @A


Best Hybrid: @Dreamland


Best NH Pker: @Dreamland


Best PvMer: @Gimslaving


Best Raider: @gim crohn


Best Skiller: @hc ashley


Best Clan: @Paragon


Best Ironman: @Monaco


Best Hardcore Ironman: @hc ashley


Best Ultimate Ironman: @No Bank Mate


Best Elite Ironman: @Lerak 


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Gimslaving


Best Realism Player: @Realmungard


Best Classic Player: @MahoganyLog


Best GFX Designer: @Sunnii


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: Is there any?


Top Overall: @Gimslaving

#410015 Thieving Skill Cape

Posted by Monzo on 16 September 2021 - 10:20 AM



Not sure what to think as it should stack not sure if it stacks on here though with ardougne cloak 4 if they stack like in oldschool it would be nice for that 20% less chance of failing and would make the cape more worth wearing.


The boost of xp would be nice if it can be added but would need to have the diary complete for it to apply.

#409933 117's HD Runelite

Posted by Monzo on 15 September 2021 - 09:10 AM

What is your suggestion?: 117's HD Runelite

Is this in OSRS?: Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: It just looks a lot smoother and cleaner not sure if it's something you'd be able to do since it's in the plugin hub and still in beta but the quality looks amazing.





#407828 Clients

Posted by Monzo on 28 August 2021 - 09:07 AM

No support I used OpenOSRS from oldschool and you can add plugins to fully automate things for you like Nightmare etc, You're on a private server, everything is boosted enjoy the game as is and keep using OpenOSRS for oldschool if that's what you want to do :) Just be thankful we have Runelite as a lot of other server don't even have that.

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#407545 Iron Bagrov's GFX Shop

Posted by Monzo on 26 August 2021 - 06:39 AM

Signature type and size/dimensions: Avatar + Signature

Preferred style(s): Honestly not sure surprise me

Preferred color(s): Inferno/Tzhaar colours 

Examples similar to what you'd like: 

Anything else (the more info the better): Avatar maybe a plague doctor surrounded by Obsidian look with lava, Signature Plague Doctor either side of text and text saying "Monzo" monzo in gold with plague doctors holding a twisted bow or 1 with twisted bow 1 with Scythe if there was shadows from the text make it lava effect like infernal cape if possible so text looks to be sitting on top of the floor? I'm sure you could come up with something rather amazing.


With the avatar it could just be a plague doctor face with the background being either obsidian look with cracks or infernal cape kind of flow with it.

#407397 Challenge Scroll Sherlock Notes

Posted by Monzo on 25 August 2021 - 07:00 AM

What is your suggestion?: Being able to use Sherlock Notes on challenge scrolls

Is this in OSRS?: No it's Alora only.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Would make sherlock notes more useable.



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