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Iron Bagrov

Member Since 10 Aug 2021
Offline Last Active Aug 18 2024 07:03 PM

#431635 My Band Foiled.'s New EP

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 21 May 2022 - 11:07 AM

I drum for a band called Foiled. and we released our first EP together last month.


It's available on all platforms. Let me know what you think!




Spotify: https://open.spotify...bRcGscB9lk4pQWA


Apple Music: https://music.apple....y-ep/1619638583

#415376 New Sig While Bored

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 04 November 2021 - 11:46 AM

You've got the rule of thirds and a solid color scheme. Very nice, man.

#413103 Lolpets

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 14 October 2021 - 02:42 PM

Dang, those are some low kill counts for pets. Nice, man.

#411042 Hey!

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 25 September 2021 - 08:34 AM

Welcome to Alora. :)

#410122 One Chunk - Intro and first chunk

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 17 September 2021 - 09:26 AM

Welcome! This is a really unique and interesting idea of which I've never heard. Best of luck, man!

#409877 Iron Bagrov's GFX Shop

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 14 September 2021 - 09:45 AM

Bump. Give me a reason to keep making art, please. :D
  • Ivy likes this

#409397 Multi Logging rule.

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 10 September 2021 - 07:24 AM

Yeah, you did the right thing here. And multi-logging is totally legal on OSRS so why should it be against the rules on here? Especially if you're just using it to get some loser off of your EIM who's just trying to slay. If he killed you once and left you alone, then that's fair game, but him coming back over and over to try to farm off you is against the rules so how were you in the wrong for this? I don't see it.

#409165 Sleeping Girl Photomanipulation

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 07 September 2021 - 05:02 PM

That is crazy dope man!

Your work you produce just keeps getting better!

Thanks so much, man! To be fair I'm just now returning from a very long hiatus so hopefully I'll be improving as I once was when I was active. :P


  • Ivy likes this

#409156 Sleeping Girl Photomanipulation

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 07 September 2021 - 04:03 PM



Messed with a glow version as well:


#408847 Iron Bagrov's GFX Shop

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 04 September 2021 - 01:44 PM

Couldn't be more happy with how my order turned out, I will give you a vouch any day of the week Bargov.


If your looking for a forum signature, Then Bargov is your guy!

Aw man you're such a sweetheart. Thank you so much for everything; you've been such a wonderful customer. <3

#408659 Random Unposted Pieces

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 03 September 2021 - 07:10 AM

Some of this stuff is really old, and a few of them are collabs. Also, most if it is stuff that can't be found on my DeviantART galleries but a few pieces are found in one of my galleries.


Warning that it's a LOT of images.



What are your favorites? I'd be curious to know. Cheers to you if you looked through all of them.

#408646 Iron Bagrov's GFX Shop

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 03 September 2021 - 06:18 AM

Great job mate. Good luck on your shop



Recent commissions:







#408536 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 02 September 2021 - 09:46 AM

Account Name (IGN) - Iron Bagrov

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Purple#0925

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit


Name of the player who recruited you? - N/A

When did you last apply for a rank? - August 19th

What rank are you applying for? - Corporal

What are your strengths? - I'm active and I feel like I provide a certain flair to the clan. B)

What are your weaknesses? - Still 5'7, haven't grown since August 19th. :(

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I've remained active in the clan since I joined and I think I've enshrined myself as not just a clan member but also a friend. <3

And I want more bananas.

#408093 Paragon Leaks Vol. 1: All modes clan brutalized by internal threat (may never...

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 29 August 2021 - 03:57 PM

Haha it took me halfway through reading this to realize that it was satirical clickbait. I really like the humor and effort put into this. If I weren't an ICEcube I'd definitely join y'all. In the meantime, I appreciate the banter between clans and the respect that everyone has for each other.

#407827 Iron Bagrov's GFX Shop

Posted by Iron Bagrov on 28 August 2021 - 08:59 AM

Most recent piece:
