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Member Since 04 Aug 2021
Offline Last Active Sep 21 2024 09:36 PM

#434964 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by trendy on 02 July 2022 - 09:28 PM

Account Name (IGN) - trendy

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - sweatshirt#1335

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit


Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY!) - 

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - Approximately 1 month ago

What rank are you applying for? - Corporal 

What are your strengths? - Active, helpful, knowledgable, friendly, good-spirited

What are your weaknesses? - Might mess around a bit too much but always in good fun

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I'm committed to helping the clan any way I can. I answer questions in the cc and help players any chance I get, I participate in events, try to recruit, and just generally be a great addition to the team. I'll be here for the long haul, thanks for your consideration!

#432961 ICE Summer Bingo 2022

Posted by trendy on 06 June 2022 - 02:46 PM

account name: trendy


I'll be there [:

#432908 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by trendy on 05 June 2022 - 09:39 PM

Account Name (IGN) - trendy

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Sweatshirt#1335

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A



Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY!) -  F2P Lunchbox

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - N/A

What rank are you applying for? - Recruit? I think!

What are your strengths? - Attention to detail and perseverance. 

What are your weaknesses? - Lack of time. I recently had a baby so my time is limited but I log on each night before bed for a bit.

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I have a lot of game knowledge. I have a maxed UIM, currently working towards maxing this ironman and getting to endgame bossing. I enjoy helping out and answering questions, and I just love to chat. Makes the game a lot more enjoyable.