Username: PunchinADart
Discord Name: Eric#4708
Game Mode: Group Iron Man
Playtime: 13 days 6 hours
Proof of Combat/Skills:
Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yes
Reason for applying to Paragon?: Always hear its the biggest, best and most active clan, and unfortunately I haven't been able to enjoy an active clan, so it would be nice to be a part of the paragon family, not only to grow, but to be a part of the community that makes Alora what it is and hopefully find a new GIM group along the way / find people to raid with
Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): Have been told about the clan by quite a few, never directly reffered though other than seeing it advertised on ::yell
Member Since 22 Jun 2021Offline Last Active Sep 06 2022 12:25 AM