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Member Since 22 Jun 2021
Offline Last Active Sep 06 2022 12:25 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

25 July 2021 - 01:29 AM

Username: PunchinADart

Discord Name: Eric#4708

Game Mode: Group Iron Man

Playtime: 13 days 6 hours

Proof of Combat/Skills: https://gyazo.com/d5...84d9c09f445f21d

Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yes

Reason for applying to Paragon?: Always hear its the biggest, best and most active clan, and unfortunately I haven't been able to enjoy an active clan, so it would be nice to be a part of the paragon family, not only to grow, but to be a part of the community that makes Alora what it is and hopefully find a new GIM group along the way / find people to raid with :D

Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): Have been told about the clan by quite a few, never directly reffered though other than seeing it advertised on ::yell

In Topic: Tome of Fire / Water

26 June 2021 - 12:55 PM

I 1000% support this.

Especially the fact that in the ::shops tome of fire is shown as infinite fire runes with 50% damage boost, yet when you get it, you realise it still needs pages.
This would impact people donating for it, if it stated that if charged with pages, you get 50% dmg boost.
YES tome requires pages on oldschool etc, so why assume any different.
well, other charged items on here are not exactly the same. aka ibans doesn't require death runes if it's charged, trident only uses scales no runes etc.

And with the rate in which you aquire them to the rate you use them, it's not worth collecting them.
I would rather have to solo farm WT for 1k burnt pages to lock the book so it retains the dmg boost permanently or have to farm WT for an imbue scroll that can be used on tome, to have it perma filled etc.