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HC Qiya

Member Since 12 Jun 2021
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2023 06:43 PM

Topics I've Started

HCIM Progress Series Ep. 8 :)

13 July 2021 - 03:21 PM

First and foremost, here's the video



Now, there are 2 major goals I have for this account, infernal cape & max cape. Which one do you guys think I should go for first? I have no experience with the inferno and still a decent amount of hours left until I max so I want to dedicate one episode to each cape if possible, however I don't know which one to pursue first. Please do let me know your thoughts regarding this, not only so I know what you want to see, but also so I know what to focus on, thanks!

HCIM Progress Series Ep. 7 (+ giveaway)

08 July 2021 - 12:59 AM

Back at it again! I edited this whole video in a software that's brand new to me which is why it's sorta delayed. Hope you enjoy!  :D  <3


HCIM Progress Series Ep. 6

02 July 2021 - 12:45 PM

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway last episode! We'll be doing more in the future as we reach certain milestones

Certain clips in this video are mighty bugged out, but I do hope you enjoy the video regardless  :D


HCIM Progress Series Ep. 5 (+ giveaway)

29 June 2021 - 10:35 AM

Make sure y'all enter the giveaway & enjoy the episode  :D



Next one is gonna be an absolute banger, so look forward to that btw  <3

HCIM Progress Series Ep. 4!

25 June 2021 - 10:33 AM

As I promised in the last post, if I hit 50 subscribers within 24h I'd bash out another episode today. We got from 44-49 within a few hours of the video being released and since the post received immense support I decided to bang this one out for you guys even though we were off our goal by 1. The series is still approximately 5 days behind my actual progress, so I'll try my best to get at least one more episode out over the weekend so the series can be more or less in sync with my actual progress. Anywho, enjoy the episode  <3



Have a great weekend!


Important Question: What type of thumbnail do you prefer? (Episode 1 & 2 style thumbnail or episode 3 & 4 style) I want all HCIM videos to have a similar themed thumbnail so any feedback regarding this is very welcome