Please tell me you're bored... I LOVE THIS IDEA!
- Memento Mori likes this
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Username: Total XP
Discord Name: Jord#5926
Game Mode: Normie
Playtime: 9 Days 14 Hours
Proof of Combat/Skills:
Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yes
Reason for applying to Paragon?: Active clan
Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): N/A
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Aight, Where do I start, I know we all play the game for fun, And I know we all take clanning to the next level and be toxic to most of the clans well i'm here to say sorry to everyone I trash talked it was just banter between clans but I know it can come off totally different to each person, So sorry to everybody in Paragon who I shit talked whenever I had seen them in game it's all love at the end of the day. End of the day we all play the game for different reasons whether it's depression, to escape reality etc, Lets have some fun and banter along the way but we just have to keep it at a suitable level for everyone
Much love
Total XP
Now stop reading this and get them gains on! NO SLACKING!
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What is your suggestion?: Make smoke devils stackable for bursting tasks.
Is this in OSRS?: Yes
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Not that i have seen.
How would this benefit Alora?: Would help irons who just want occult + people who are going for 200m Slayer xp as this is in oldschool and could help with 200m Magic.
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I support this 100% it's stupid that one of the better money makers is camping an imp you can instantly teleport out of if you see a pker. And to say you only need 60 combat + 750k risk for something you can make 1m+ within 5/6 kills is kinda stupid.