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Member Since 09 Jun 2021
Offline Last Active Jul 01 2022 04:30 AM

Topics I've Started

Once a day server restart command for moderators

22 June 2021 - 06:38 PM

  • What is it?: A command that will allow moderators or most trusted staff to do a server restart in the event of severe lag.
  • What does it do? Allows players such as myself to have a better gaming experience while exploring and adventuring Alora.
  • Why is it needed? I personally have a severe lag issue where I freeze every few seconds for 2-3 seconds. I've tried clearing my cache several times, performing speed tests ect. But upon further inspection I noticed the server has been up for 29 days straight.
  • What problems does it solve? I imagine implementing this would fix a lot of lag that is creating a negative experience for new players coming to Alora for the first time.

I looked around but I didn't see a previous suggestion for this. If there is, my apologies and feel free to close or remove my thread.

