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Member Since 08 Jun 2021
Previous Username: Zuk my GIM
Offline Last Active Today, 11:53 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Anglers Outside Wilderness

Today, 01:38 AM

Always wondered why they're only in wildy exclusively. Like Yautja said, it'd be nice to give an incentive to fish them in wildy too tho if they're moved outside of it. Maybe a 2x catch rate, and auto noted or something. But yeah, it'd be nice to see anglers outside of the wildy.


Also add an angler spot in ::dz2 pl0x

In Topic: Hi Alora ^_^

Today, 01:35 AM

Welcome to Alora!


Make sure to pm @HCIM Tamber, as he is every newcomer's best friend, and guide. He will bestow upon you the knowledge that you will require in order to exceed in this world we call Alora. Enjoy your time!

In Topic: ToB Unsafe HCIM

Today, 01:33 AM

As scared as I am to see @HCIM Tamber plank at bloat in an unsafe Tob, I do soup port

In Topic: August 2024 MOTM (Winner)

02 September 2024 - 02:44 PM

Sagacious? More like Delicious amirite

In Topic: Mahogany Homes QOL

28 August 2024 - 08:05 PM

As someone who went for all skilling outfits, these suggestions woulda been nice during my mahog homes grind. +1 support