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GIM JShiesty

Member Since 19 May 2021
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2022 01:51 PM

#407023 Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by GIM JShiesty on 21 August 2021 - 06:31 PM

. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts]


II. Which Game Mode(s) do you play?gim


III. What is your Discord ID?jdawgg#5688


IV. What is your game-time(Provide screenshot)?https://gyazo.com/17...249748ea2d751e6


V. What is your total Boss Kill count? few k, i have like 4 diff irons


VI. How did you find out about us?was in aftermath


*Please be aware that it may take up to 24 hours for your application to be accepted/declined*

#402789 [#2] Alora PvM League - $500+ in Prizes

Posted by GIM JShiesty on 11 July 2021 - 04:13 PM

duo entry?


myself (gim jshiesty) and my partner ironslayz, can you pair us with 2 others xD

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#399002 Idk how to feel...

Posted by GIM JShiesty on 03 June 2021 - 12:20 AM

honestly bro i 100% agree, back in the day i used to have abunch of friends, even some i kept up with via social media and whatnot through alora, but it seems like the more and more time goes on u just get those certain people who ruin it for everyone, thankfully i have met a group of fellow ironmen who i plan to team with , as we all share abunch in common, but other then that, since comming back from my most recent break, i havent really  felt the urge to add anyone, or even attempt to make genuine  friends, i just find more then not  of the people on the server to be highly childish, and some to be very foward, just plaiun ignorant to say the least, i can respect everyones opinion and outlook on things, but as a grown adult, alot of the shit i see here just makes me go urgh gives me real high school vibes , feel free to hit me up anytime brother, and hope no one takes what i said the wrong way, and if u do , thats cool too. best of luck to all


Posted by GIM JShiesty on 30 May 2021 - 05:55 PM

well you probably have a cc with players doing tob so just ask them and bring learner from your cc to help the tob community grow. we  ''ice cc'' always willing to teach learner cox and tob to help players threw their achievements. if all cc help their learners well more player will get used to tob and you wont have problem finding teams. but as i said in my previous post, tob doesnt need to be easier. just find the good players for your tob team . maybe on your timezone less player doing it or feel like doing it at this time.

possibly, i think people just need to be more accepting to bringing in learners, like i said right now its very apparant the only people actively doing tob are the ones with 100s of kc, leaaving the newbies out, and trust me , i was former staff in ice, i did alot of teaching of the new players, but even then, the teams were few and far between, and i outsourced to play with other cc members just to form teams, maybe my suggestion wasnt worded correctly, as i dont feel the need that it needs to be made super easy, but some change should be implemented to make it easier for the new learners to be able to find teams/or be able to learn tob aswell xD ,

#398697 add goldsmithing/ice glove to daily/vote store

Posted by GIM JShiesty on 30 May 2021 - 05:22 PM

What is your suggestion?: to add goldsmithing/ice gloves to other shops then just loyalty such as vote/dailys

Is this in OSRS?:no

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:dont think so

How would this benefit Alora?:

would make goldsmithing/ice gloves easier to get , for skillers in particular, as 50k loyalty points can take a little while to get , 3 days playtime atm and only got 8k roughly on this account, so with that math it would take give or less 15 days playtime to just get one of the two pairs

  • Moe likes this

#398343 Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by GIM JShiesty on 26 May 2021 - 02:59 PM

Username: gim jshiesty

Discord Name: jdawgg#5688

Game Mode: gim

Playtime: on this acc a few days, main(gim nexx) 25+ days

Proof of Combat/Skills: https://gyazo.com/16...7c09f22546c871d

Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yes