Account Name (IGN) - Autism
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - about 2 years ago, was EIM Mar but quit
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What are your strengths? - I nolife this to concerning levels, always happy to help
What are your weaknesses? - my brain deletes all knowledge if I don't play for 2 years. I didn't play for 2 years. I am relearning EVERYTHING
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I ask for help so often I might as well do it on a formal basis. Jokes aside, I like helping and have been grinding ever since I restarted alora last week. No intentions of stopping any time soon. I made a lot of friends in ICE back when I played, and am looking forward to making new ones :)
- Arosa likes this