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Member Since 17 May 2021
Offline Last Active Jun 05 2021 08:53 AM

#397815 Inferno and "new" PvM content

Posted by Nekokan on 20 May 2021 - 10:31 AM

Never did much PvM in OSRS; mostly did Barbarian Assault and played for fashionscape. Got my duo Queen pets, Penance and Kalphite, 4k Chompy Hat and Gold CW armour and called it a day. So I'm hoping to engage in some more PvM here as an EIM together with a friend of mine. Eventually completing the Inferno, and trying out the new things that have been added to OSRS since I stopped playing a few years ago.

#397809 Nekokan's introduction

Posted by Nekokan on 20 May 2021 - 09:21 AM

Hello, all


I've been waiting for all too long for Jagex to implement group ironman into OSRS, which is what I've been waiting for to give it another try after not playing for a few years. But seems like that'll happen 2030, so I'm turning to RSPSs. Very positive first impressions from Alora! Well-built and balanced, with integrity to the gameplay. Looking forward to warming up for the eventual (hopefully) release of GIM in OSRS. Or I might just stick around here hehe.