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Member Since 30 Apr 2021
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2023 11:10 PM

Topics I've Started

Ancient Relic/Effigy/Medallion

08 September 2021 - 12:46 AM

What is your suggestion?: Seeing the activity in the wilderness a few little things can be done to increase traffic. Something as simple as adding the rest of the relics from Revs can highly increase the activity for pvmers and pkers. Both parties have opportunities to make money if need be. There are more than enough revs below lvl 30 wildy for this not to become a problem.


Is this in OSRS?: yes


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: As far as I know, nope.


How would this benefit Alora?: Both parties have opportunities to make money if need be. There are more than enough revs below lvl 30 wildy for this not to become a problem.