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Member Since 05 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2019 11:40 AM

#224090 Group Ironman

Posted by Irvo on 10 October 2018 - 12:00 PM

Just think about the tactics and the competition, 2 people gathering supplies while the others PvM etc. A Raids Team just with your EIM Partners.


Potentially would attract certain Clans to Alora as well. I love the idea, 100% supporting it!

#222162 Otto rework

Posted by Irvo on 03 October 2018 - 05:14 PM

I got confused with the title..


First thing I thought of was Otto, nevertheless I do support. Could help balancing the price.

#220097 Different Mode Awards displayed on Main Forum Profile

Posted by Irvo on 25 September 2018 - 04:17 PM

What is your suggestion?: HCIM, UIM, IM Awards to be displayed on Main Forum Profile

Is this in OSRS?: no

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no

How would this benefit Alora?: People would be more open to give other modes a try = more suggestions to improvements and a clearer view on certain topics regarding judgement



Right now the awards you obtain will be displayed on the Forum-Account you achieved them on. People mainly use only one Profile on Forums so those certain Awards are irrelevant leading players (me) not to even bother giving different Modes a try.


It would be awesome to have all Awards achievable on one Forum Profile in my opinion, because why would I care about an Award on my Hardcore Account if I don't use its Forum Profile anyways.


!!! Specificly talking about Maxing Awards !!!


As always looking forward to your feedback!






#219505 Pet-rate boost (donator benefit)

Posted by Irvo on 23 September 2018 - 01:45 PM

Well even if there was a boost, it is not making it any less of an achievement. Are you saying due to a donator rank that obtaining say a scythe of vitur or a twisted bow is not an achievement? Whether it is a pet or an item it is still an achievement, and just because there maybe a slight boost doesn't mean that it actually helped due to the nature of RNG. 


Ex. I am nearing 2k KC with 0 trident, and it is a 1/416 rate but since I'm master it is a 1/366 rate. Pet rates are even higher.

As I am aware there is 2 Forum Awards regarding Pets and none for specific items. So I personally wouldn't put them in the same category. What you're thinking off is basically rewarding certain Donor Ranks with a permanent "Pet Booster". Stack them and you are increasing your odds by a lot.


I have the opinion certain things should not be made easier because of your Donor Rank. People are competing to obtain all Pets. Would be a shame if there was a minority of that group with that specific Donor Rank coming by and having way better odds than others.

#219485 Pet-rate boost (donator benefit)

Posted by Irvo on 23 September 2018 - 01:12 PM

I do not support, Pets are a grind. It's sort of an achievement in my opinion.


You want them, you work for them.


Pets are the only objective I see ingame personally and I don't mind grinding for them, I'd dislike this being made easier because of a matter of wealth.


It's like buffing experience gathered from Skilling depending on Donator Rank, the game gets way easier.

#219395 Lectern Annoucements

Posted by Irvo on 23 September 2018 - 11:19 AM

What is your suggestion?: Lectern Annoucements

Is this in OSRS?: No

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Not that I am aware off

How would this benefit Alora?: More PvM competition



Since Iron Redius and me are constantly competing for the spot in the lectern for most Killcount of Vorkath I came to the idea it would be pretty cool to have an annoucement when someone hits most Killcount on a specific Boss.


Something like "XXX claimed his spot in the Lectern with a Killcount of (Number) of (Boss)!"




Looking forward to your feedback!






#218903 Our video was features on Red Bulls website :o

Posted by Irvo on 21 September 2018 - 08:31 PM



Currently negotiating with the Hosts of this event: https://www.facebook...63994597472495/


If you happen to be in Lisbon and on that specific event, don't hesitate to approach us (you'll notice us by cameras and our logo on our back)  <3



Edit: darn misstyped "featured", it's 03:32am bare with me..

#218549 [September] Community Awards

Posted by Irvo on 20 September 2018 - 11:19 AM



Best Admin: @Sheep


Best Global Moderator: @To gain


Best Forum Moderator: @Moe


Best Server Moderator: @Raud Flame I


Best Event Manager: @king purple


Best Server Support: @Paine


Most active on Discord: @Not Hellish


Most active In-game: @Paine


Most active on Forums: @Not Hellish


Most Respected: @king purple


Most Potential Promotion: @Paine


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Salter





Most Active In-game: @Ragragrag46


Most Active on Forums: @Otto


Most Active on Discord: @Unknown


Most Active Overall: @7ashkal


Most Wealthy: @Thorru


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Thorru


Most Friendly: @Marushin


Most Respected: @Galantis


Coolest Veteran: @Unknown


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker: @Inferno


Best Hybrid: 


Best NH Pker: @Horror


Best PvMer: @Extremedanny


Best Raider: @ classic joke


Best Skiller: @Unknown


Best Clan: Peeks


Best Ironman: @Rip hc


Best Hardcore Ironman: 


Best Ultimate Ironman:


Best Elite Ironman:


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber: @Lowkey


Best Streamer: @Lowkey


Top Overall: 




Good luck!

#217911 Staff Update 9/17/18

Posted by Irvo on 17 September 2018 - 05:47 PM

Thanks for reminding me the weekend is over.

#217872 Looking for feedback - My companies first production

Posted by Irvo on 17 September 2018 - 03:37 PM

Looks great mate! Your company is gonna do well.

Fingers crossed, it's legit the dream to make a living from what we love doing. I bow to the team pulling this off.. As much as I love watching the video, I could never bring up the patience and dedicate as much time to it as they did.

I don't mind camping Scorpia for 2 weeks but editing a video gives me goosebumps!

#217866 Looking for feedback - My companies first production

Posted by Irvo on 17 September 2018 - 03:26 PM

Nice man, I'm guessing you work with All-Star Royale? 


In this case we worked with Hyped who is the producer of Comic Con 2018 in Lisbon, they arranged everything and managed the entire event. Got to know plenty of CEO's of several interesting companies.

Cool stuff dude.

Thanks mate, I was telling my Team I'd only want to see the final product. They did a pretty good job, pizza was on me when they worked all night till 7am.


Insane edits, great job.


Thanks! Appreciate your feedback!

It looks super awesome!


I personally thought the t-shirt displaying was a bit too long - it's a pretty fast-paced video, which is good, considering the attention span of an average member of the target group of the video, but the t-shirt part really dragged it out for me. Also the spin effect right after it at 0:43 could have been replaced with something different as it's a bit confusing. Overall, super nice video!


Thank you! Yeah I get your point with the Shirts.. Thing is those teams are well.. sort of a big thing here in Portugal, I don't get it either but they say it's important. I mean if it was FNC or TSM..

Haha yeah the spin effect felt kinda weird to me too first couple times I watched it. Reason behind that is due to the Commentator doing a spin so we wanted follow up with one as well  :D


First???? Nah bro to good to be first

Yeah don't quote me on that, it's our first official as Ignite. We did the Magic The Gathering Nationals by Wizards of the Coast before which was nice but not as amazing as working on this.


I really really appreciate the kind feedback you guys did and hope to share further productions soon. Fingers crossed we can pull something off with Omen by HP  :wub:






#217636 Looking for feedback - My companies first production

Posted by Irvo on 16 September 2018 - 04:01 PM

#217282 new item shop if added castle wars

Posted by Irvo on 15 September 2018 - 04:46 AM

I don‘t like the idea of BiS pvp armor being obtainable from a safe Minigame like castle wars. I would support if you spice it up and make castle wars not safe on death though.. Set minimum risk to bring to like 5m, items can not be looted and will be removed from game on death or something like that. Would make a decent itemsink. Another option could be a participation fee you have to pay everytime you join castle wars lobby.

Don’t quote me on this idea.

#217212 PvM Forum Award

Posted by Irvo on 14 September 2018 - 03:15 PM

Supports but push those requirements a little.

#215731 Toogle Speelbook Teleports on/off

Posted by Irvo on 08 September 2018 - 09:50 AM

Hey lads, recently doing a lot of Vorkath and it's kind of frustrating to missclick on Falador teleport when actually attempting to cast Crumble Undead on Vorkath's offspring.


I do think I might not be an exception in this case so here's my suggestion:


  • Add a function to toogle Spellbook Teleports on/off




  • Add rune requirement to Spellbook Teleports so Law Runes actually have a use



Looking forward to your feedback!



