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Member Since 26 Apr 2021
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2021 01:40 AM

#400412 Is there any boss that is a steady stream of gp instead of waiting for one bi...

Posted by ano2021 on 19 June 2021 - 10:26 AM

I mean something that can be done with average/below average gear, not raids.


I don't want to go dry for hundreds of kills. I want to get some moderate drop every few kills, so I can make money.

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#397802 How can I make enough gp to get a Twisted Bow?

Posted by ano2021 on 20 May 2021 - 06:25 AM

Not by donating I mean, by grinding in-game. Thanks!

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#397089 [Serious] What does OSRS have that Alora doesn't?

Posted by ano2021 on 12 May 2021 - 09:27 AM

Might sound like a weird question but I'm serious.


I'm not even a fanboy of Alora or anything.


But I've been trying to play some OSRS and I keep thinking "why am I subjecting myself to this? I could play Alora and get the exact same experience except I don't waste so much of my life with these shitty xp rates".


Seriously, OSRS feels like a weird science experiment to see just how much a human being will torture himself. Thousands of hours of meaningless, slow, boring grind.

Alora gives the exact same god damn thing. The only difference I can think of is quests, and tbh I always hated quests. Rs quests might've been good if they weren't designed with a guide in mind (well you could play it without a guide but then you'd have to constantly go to the bank/ge and bring random ass items cause Jagex loves to fucking waste your time).