Account Name you are applying for a rank - Never DC (Sargeant or Lieutenant)
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I feel like I deserve this rank because I have been a part of ice since the first day. My other aliases in Ice have been "Solo Woox" "Real Woox" "Elite Woox" and "Why Use Bank"- which I recieved my rank then from Hellish :). I am a very active and loyal clan member, who will constantly go out of his way to assist others as much as possible, and I am always an ear to listen for anyone who needs/wants a friend to talk to, whether this be in-game related or irl related. I recruit often while in-game, and will continue to do so for the remainder of my time on Alora
Do you agree with our rules? - Absolutely. They are amazing guidelines for the community of Ice to follow.
Why does ICE Interest you? - I am interested in Ice because as one of the original members, it's been very welcoming and nice to return to Alora, and see the CC still standing as one of the best in the game! Something I watched/helped a smidge wee bit on growing, and it's still as strong as ever!