I. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts] Iron Orgy/Big Dummyboi
II. Which Game Mode(s) do you have experience in? Realism, HCIM
III. What is your Discord ID? daddytravis
IV. Post your Purple Quest tab with Time Played visible: (Post the URL link only) https://gyazo.com/b9...b40ad664bcbab2c
V. What is your total Boss Kill count? Not sure where to find that off the top of my head, but I'm over 1k cox kc and have 1k+ of a few other bosses on just the realism account. 10k+ on all my accounts combined. VI. What are your current goals on Alora? Working on finally maxing a HCIM (Probably my 6th try xD)
VII. Why do you want to join AFM? Looking for a community of gamers to do tob/toa with and to occasionally pk with. I've been in AFM previously and liked it.
VIII. How did you find out about us? Previous AFM member a long time ago. Probably 3-4 years ago at this point