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Donator - Active Posts 164
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- Time Online2d 11h 12m 35s
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- Birthday February 21
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Epicface997 has completed the Obor collection log entry!
Feb 26, 2021 9:06 amEpicface997 has completed the Cyclopes collection log entry!
Feb 26, 2021 9:06 amLatest Visitors
#162553 Xeric's Talisman + Calquat patch
Posted by
Epicface997 on 13 February 2018 - 07:07 AMI don’t see why not, Support.
#161547 Make barrows a bit cooler.
Posted by
Epicface997 on 10 February 2018 - 08:23 AMSupport, even this small QOL would make a big difference.
- Foktabish likes this
#161287 Instance Kalphite Queen
Posted by
Epicface997 on 09 February 2018 - 10:28 AMDon’t see why not, not very high gp/h. Perhaps making it an instance would be a good thing
- Hsl likes this
#160806 Staff Update 2/8/18
Posted by
Epicface997 on 08 February 2018 - 10:37 AM
#160035 House teleportation tablets
Posted by
Epicface997 on 06 February 2018 - 02:55 PMSupport, would definitely be nice to have them in game.
- Raud Kukkel likes this
#158244 [Construction] Pet Menagerie
Posted by
Epicface997 on 01 February 2018 - 11:00 AMIt’s in OSRS, I don’t see why not, Support
- Macho likes this
#157451 Suggestion for Exp lamps/book, Exp point use in PC
Posted by
Epicface997 on 30 January 2018 - 01:18 AMI support this, but only as long as the only way you can get the lamps is a random event (i.e. genie in OSRS). And as long as the xp rewards aren’t too op (I.e. (level*10)*50 for example
- ClasicWizard likes this
#155798 Staff Update 1/26/18
Posted by
Epicface997 on 26 January 2018 - 07:36 AMCongratulations @Coww and @Salter on becoming part of alora staff team
- Not Salter and Coww like this
#155598 Ice Planet Wallpaper (Made from scratch+release)
Posted by
Epicface997 on 25 January 2018 - 03:43 PMGood job man - looks great, sad to see your a bit stressed. Don't worry about the giveaway, just make sure you sort your irl stuff out first :)
- Dumbshit likes this
#155570 Chewed Bones
Posted by
Epicface997 on 25 January 2018 - 02:24 PMSupport, would give chewed bones a good use, and, with dragon slayer 2 coming out, the DFH would look like some great fashions cape with the other dragon armour’s
- Hc Jax likes this
#155569 Anguish/Godsword ornament kits
Posted by
Epicface997 on 25 January 2018 - 02:23 PMSupport, would definitely like to see more ornament kits :)
- Dutchie likes this
#155474 Kills Mechanic Implementation For Extreme Slayer
Posted by
Epicface997 on 25 January 2018 - 10:22 AMI feel like around the 10-15 base kills mark is good, what do you think of that?
I agree, I just think 5 is a bit low, and people will be using it to quickly farm for tasks that they want, rather spending time completing a long task, so I think 10-15 would be a good base amount
- Savings v2 likes this
#155384 Kills Mechanic Implementation For Extreme Slayer
Posted by
Epicface997 on 25 January 2018 - 02:35 AMI like the idea, but if people want a single task and don’t want to skip they’ll only pick 5 to do. Perhaps it roles a bass amount, in then you can pick from the bass amount to 50 (for extreme tasks). I.e. you role a bass amount of 16, so you can pick from between 16 and 50.
- Savings v2 likes this
#154899 Daily's
Posted by
Epicface997 on 23 January 2018 - 02:54 PMAlready been suggested and added to the handled list.
I still wish to see this though.I will never stop fighting for an Achievement revamp + Dailies.
Obvious support. :)
Sorry, I didn’t realise this was already a thing, looks like the person who did it origninally fleshed it out much better than I did
Nevertheless I would still love to see it implemented :)
- Endeavor likes this
#154871 Daily's
Posted by
Epicface997 on 23 January 2018 - 02:24 PMI'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but I think it would be a nice idea to introduce daily's to alora. You would get these daily's from a NPC at edge where you are given 5 tasks of varying difficult (1 easy, 1 medium, 1 hard, 1 elite and 1 master - much like the clue scroll system). By completing these daily tasks you would be rewarded by a variety of prizes based on the level of difficulty:
Cash (10k-100k)
Skilling outfit boot
Cash (100k-300k)
skilling outfit legs
Cash (100k-500k)
skilling outfit body
Cash (100k-1m)
skilling outfit hat
Cash (500k-1500k)
Rare Untradable (like 1/1k droprate)
There could be many other rewards (skilling outfits popped into my head), if you have any suggestions feel free to post them. My justification of the rare untradable from the master clue was to have a non-buyable item that showed you dedication to the server.
Some example tasks could be
Easy: Cut 37 yew logs
Medium: Catch 56 red chinchompa's
Hard: Kill Zulrah 8 times
Elite: Kill 7 Superior Creatures
Master: Fish 234 Sharks AND kill 320 hell hounds (master would be a skilling and a combat daily)
If you think any of the above are too hard feel free to let me know (I think it's relatively balanced). I am not opposed to PK related goals, but perhaps a toggle option for it would be nice
I feel like this would be a nice edition to Alora, encouraging more diverse skilling, and would definitly get me spending more time on Alora in order to complete all the tasks.
Thanks For Reading :)
- Endeavor likes this