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Member Since 01 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2020 01:02 AM

#260987 Make BIS armor BIS

Posted by Aelin on 24 January 2019 - 09:45 PM

100% support, void is just too strong on here due to the defence of npc's not being the same as osrs, like a blowpipe is basically BIS for 95% of bosses/npc's which it should NOT be because it's meant for fast dps on low-medium def monsters. I would love to see a rework of defensive stats on npc's to make other weapons/methods viable, crossbows are practically irrelevant on here but I digress.

#255804 Would be nice to get an update on whats going on..

Posted by Aelin on 12 January 2019 - 08:09 PM

Yeah and then he moved the ETA to 7pm. It's now past 9.


This is why he shouldn't be giving eta's .

ETA stands for ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL, doesn't mean it will happen right then, it's an estimate, maybe Omi found something big he had to fix and releasing the mode would fuck it up, if you're too impatient then go to sleep and when you wake up it'll be up and running

#254377 Group Ironman PvP Tournament! ($500 IN CASH PRIZES)

Posted by Aelin on 09 January 2019 - 07:54 PM

Hmm, could be cool

  • KP likes this

#252261 Inferno Attempts?

Posted by Aelin on 05 January 2019 - 08:06 AM

2 attempts 2 completions, just watch a guide a few times before and have what comes next wave up beside your client, it helps

#251959 Merk for ban?

Posted by Aelin on 04 January 2019 - 06:10 PM

Merk has been a controversial topic on alora since day 1 with his fake giveaways for subs and youtube traffic, I saw someone say make a poll to ban merk, so I made this to see the community's thoughts on the matter.


Pls no strike