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Member Since 09 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2022 09:12 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Increase the chances of getting skilling pets.

27 February 2017 - 07:54 PM

Would kind of ruin it if they become more common, shouldn't be 100 % chance to get pet before 99 or something. It's nice to get a rare reward from skilling.


Not everyone should have all the pets.


also i got phoenix at 130m fm xp. 

In Topic: Bank Tabs

26 February 2017 - 03:56 PM

It happens when you spam click last item in a tab.


Reported a bug on it already. Hopefully fixed soon tm.

In Topic: Ironman to "normal"?

28 December 2016 - 06:23 AM

The thing here is, Iron Man accounts aren't supposed to be staking and trading etc. As far as pking is concerned, I can support that. I feel like there is a certain challenge to Iron Man accounts, that they have to work for their stuff from scratch. Basically, do things the hard way. I can certainly say that there won't come a day where normal accounts have the option to switch to iron man accounts. So, if ironmen are given the ability to switch over to normal, one day they may want to go staking, make or lose bank, and the next day they want to be back to ironman because it is more fun (undoubtedly). This won't be possible then.


I do not support this idea.


Seen some ironmen quit because they couldn't go normal mode. They wanted to trade and do more stuff, but they weren't able to.  Sure they can lose bank staking/gambling, but at some point they just get bored of ironman mode.


I support going from Iron to reg, but no chance to get back.

In Topic: asdasd0jasdjsiaojd

22 December 2016 - 05:53 PM

Maaan, go try your luck at Cerb and get a double Primo drop please.

idk if ure jking or not. Alrdy did 1k cerb and got nada'

In Topic: Development Blog #2

22 December 2016 - 11:49 AM

Amazing work