No support, Rouge's outfit is a major unlock that has huge upsides - either a significant gp/hr increase to elves, or the potential for double blood shards from vyres. I recently did 200m thieving and I saw quite a few people with it including myself. Devaluing the set more would increase gp inflation and the supply of blood shards which are already at an all time high.
Devaluing the vote shop is also a dangerous game because of how important top list standings are to gaining new players. With home wifi, a cell phone w data, and work/school wifi you can vote 6x a day.
It's also been suggested to move it before and has been declined, multiple times iirc.
I can see the points that you are attempting to approve, but seem to not follow your understanding.
Having rogue outfit extremely valued for two NPCs that I assume most if not ALL people are thieving at max for doesn't seem to follow the valuing of 41 days of voting. Blood shards, from my understand, are not as important. The economy having a mass amount of these to me seems this should not be important.
As for your conversation of over inflating gp, creating this set to be able @ 200 points of Daily points wouldn't cause any sort of inflation that you are thinking would happen. There are many ways rn where the gph is purely more profitable than rogue outfit thieving.
I appreciate your input but I can't see eye to eye with your points.