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gim holder

Member Since 11 Feb 2021
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2024 05:13 PM

Topics I've Started

Trading Post

02 March 2021 - 09:23 AM


Currently a lot of items aren't sold on the TP soley because they pass the max cash limit (2147m). This is the twisted bow, scythe of vitur, a few nightmare items (inquisitor, staves/orbs), elysian spirit shield. This makes it so finding a player who's selling may make it a bit more difficult, and creates a type of monopoly if you're the only player online that is selling the item at the time which can create a price gouge if the other player wants/needs the item quickly.



Allow players to pass the max cash limit on the TP by having it take into account platinum tokens. If a player lists an Elysian spirit shield for 5b, then have the player need a total sum of 5b between coins and platinum tokens to purchase it.




Would move items easier in the eco that you currently have to find a player to buy off of.



Not sure, I'd say less player-player interaction, but don't see how that's an issue considering every other item can be bought off the TP.

PVM Accuracy Rework Discussion

02 March 2021 - 09:02 AM

So I've noticed a lot of changes with this update, I'll list a few below here.


I understand we're striving to be more like OSRS for the good and bad and maybe we were spoiled with our past calculations, but some things just feel off.


Twisted Bow

It seems to be extremely inaccurate now compared to before. There's a reason this end game item held a 2.2-2.5b price tag, I never had one in OSRS so I don't know if it's this bad on there, I don't think its strength needs to be buffed only its accuracy.


Wilderness Bosses

Not sure how it is in OSRS, but their defence on here seems stupid high now. I think I remember OSRS discussing changing them since their defence was far higher than their reward. I personally liked how we had it on Alora, but further discussion between the community may be needed.


Abyssal Sire

It's defence seems to also have been tweaked with this update, but would also like further feedback.


I'd like to get the players input on these updates and see what the community feels if it needs to be further tweaked, or if this is the way we want it if it properly matches OSRS. I'm not saying we need to hit 120+ with a twisted bow, but it's a big change from where it was, and could effect its price in the future.

Boosts color change

25 February 2021 - 02:26 PM


Change the color of the current boosts from vote books. It can be very hard on the eyes to see what exactly is there. Not sure if this bothers anyone else, but it sure bothers me and thought a simple black text would suffice.


Here's a picture for referencedwVGciS.png


22 February 2021 - 09:14 AM


I believe the costs of the ice and goldsmith gauntlets, set at 50k each, is currently too high for anyone with a GIM account or better xp rates to reap its benefits on the items while skilling, that is relatively easily obtained on OSRS.



Lower the costs of both gauntlets by 50%, making them 25k loyalty points each instead of 50k, this would make it easier for accounts to obtain while still not just giving them out for free. These are niche items that help a lot when doing the Blast Furnance minigame, and they're very easy to obtain on OSRS so I don't see why most game modes can't afford both pairs before they max.




Currently the ice and goldsmith gauntlets cost 50k loyalty points each. I've been playing this GIM account trying to see how long it would take to get the goldsmith gauntlets alone and I'm at 45k loyalty points at the time of making this post.


I've done almost all I can think of to gain loyalty points including skilling, achievement diaries, donating (just to see if there was a boost), voting, occasionally donating to the well past the 2.5m req threshold, and posting on forums.

I'm currently 2017 total level and still can't afford a single gauntlet. I've thought about this for a while, but didn't want to make this suggestion until I was closing in on obtaining my first pair for the 50k price tag, since I didn't want it to imply that I was asking for this just to benefit myself. Just as a side note, if this update were implemented I still plan to buy the goldsmith gauntlets for 50k points before then, since I'll most likely get the 50k before/if this gets updated.



So, feedback is really appreciated



::Event God boss timer

20 February 2021 - 02:39 PM


Introduce a timer (possibly on the server statistics in the quest tab) to show when the next time the God bosses will appear at ::event



This would help players strategize their skilling efforts better