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Member Since 20 Jan 2021
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2021 06:04 PM

Topics I've Started

Remove charge requirement for Tome of Fire

27 January 2021 - 12:08 AM

There is not enough of a player base nor economy to keep Tome of Fire viable with Burnt Pages required for charging


Burnt pages has always been a resource provided by farmers and botters as an avenue of profit. Without them on a rsps, its not feasible in the least to make the Tome of Fire usable with the charge requirement.


My suggestion is to keep it automatically charged and if devs are insistent on keeping it a resource drain, the simply make it a GP fee to full charge from an NPC or something. Even adding Burnt Pages as a guaranteed drop similarly like Zulrah's Scale



Benefits of this suggestion being accepted:


  1. Motivate people to actually do Winderholdt to get Tome of Fire
  2. Forces people to actually create wrath runes which would be an avenue of player activity (stimulates the pure essence and wrath rune economy)
  3. Less reason for people to simply only use trident of the swamp for mage magic (incentivizes people to use runes more, and buy form rune shop)

Keep in mind that having a GP drain is always a good thing as its very easy to earn GP in game