Hey everyone, I have a few suggestions I wanna run by you guys and get your opinions on.
My first suggestion is adding a Teleport Wizard to the Donor Zone. Understandable that we want Edgeville (::home) to look packed and everything, but adding the wizard to ::dz shouldn't really affect how packed home looks and everything, it gives Donors an easier place to use the Rejuvenation pool and tele to where ever they need to (bosses, slayer, etc etc) Was thinking we add it here near the magic trees, and altar
My second suggestion is updating the Vote shop. As we know everyone votes. Either people keep the vote books for themselves or they sell it. But in my opinion I think the vote shop is honestly terrible, yes there might be a few items that are worth buying like the Magic Secateurs and the Silver Sickle. I was thinking we add some new cosmetics in there such as Jester boots and hat, even add in some XP lamps (I understand getting xp on normie is easy) but i'm thinking it would be good for the other game modes (Ironman, realism), making them 500 vote points per lamp, so we'd have to vote a lot of times to be able to get one.
Let me know what you guys think, all feedback is welcome