With the new League approaching I wanted to start up a suggestions thread ahead of the release. This is such a fun game mode and I have played each one so I figured it would be good to start a suggestion thread while it's in development to keep the ideas fresh in mind!
What is your suggestion?:
Task Suggestions
1. Lower Mahogany Homes Completion Amounts - Exmaple is complete 1,500/1,250/1,000/750/500. The amount of planks and time needed for these are excessive. Planks also cost too much gp to make still.
2. Add points for equipping rewards from completing mahogany homes - The last league the reward shop was added which is cool espeically since the minigame point multiplier counts for mahogany homes. But then if you complete the sets and buy the other rewards available you receive no points which defeats the purpose.
3. Increase molch pearl success rate in leagues - Even with the multiplier of getting more pearls per catch, it was still a drag just trying to receive them and wearing each rod is only worth 50 points and the entire angler set is only 100 with how slow this is making it a waste of time.
4. Lower Lizardman Shaman KC tasks - Currently at 10,000/5,000/2,500/1,000/500/100. The points rewarded for anything over 500 is completely not worth the time. Nobody is killing 10,000 shamans
5.Reduce Hydra KC tasks - Currently 2,500/2,000/1,500/1,000/500/250/100/75/50/25/1 - Again doing it through 250 or 500 seems reasonable worth the points but then each KC starts to double requiring 1,000 and another 500 to get to 1,500 for any additional points. Would love to see the higher ones reduced. Or more common points tasks for every 100 or 150 kills versus needing to do 500 or even 1000 extra kills for some additional points. You still have to lure Hydra over each vent throughout the kill making it so you can't just "brute force" each kill so the kc times are not as short to make going after 2,500 kc worth anything.
6. Changes to "Defeat X superior foes while on a slayer task. - Superior creates are still not common on leagues. Current tasks are defeat 250/200/150/100/75/50/25/10. These are still really high kc requirements for superiors and they are only worth 100 points. Reduce the kc amounts and increase point values for higher amounts to make getting superiors and grinding slayer tasks worthwhile.
General Suggestions
1. Increase drop rates on raids/barrows - This was a hot topic last league that the entire community felt strong about . I hope this can be revisited and tested especially since donor ranks are capped in leagues and that plays a huge role in drops in the normal game between the increased percentage and extra rolls.
2. Kourend Catacombs Instance - The version where there is just 1 additional instance that everyone has to share is extremely rough especially with the increase in players in leagues mode. Everyone starts here in this region and it's a huge hot spot across the entire league. With only 1 world this causes a ton of frustration among players. Then when spots are taken in the leagues instance, players will go to the normal version and now you are battling with all non league players and upsetting the regular community. There is soo much time spent and required in this very speicifc area and not being able to instance this yourself in leagues hurts the quality of life for all. There is a relic that allows you to choose your owns tasks and you can't even enjoy that at all because of all the crashing/competing you will be doing among all other players in the game. You can see a lot of negative feedback about this just scrolling through the Alora discord during league time.
3. Sage's Axe - Increase the use to match OSRS to instantly kill targets who have less than 20% of their health remaining. I don't think we understand why this is custom to 15% on here?
4. Increase Chinchompa spawns - This is another area that is sought after for training Hunter and because there is a relic that make this a great option. The numbers of spawns are very limited with the high player count and people spend a lot of time here for training which causes the area to not clear making this frustrating for players just trying to train a skill.
5. Clue Scroll Puzzles - In OSRS these puzzle boxes only occur for clues that are hard tier and up. On here you get puzzle boxes on easy and mediums. When you are doing hundreds if not thousands of clues with the relics on here this ruins the QOL having to do constant puzzle boxes on easy and mediums.
6. Sherlock Notes - Remove sherlock notes from leagues. Clue scrolls have massive point potential and players who just save up and buy auth codes to skip tons of hours making this complete pay to win versus just competing with everyone based on relics and the path you take.
7. Add Rock Cake/and or Locator Orb - Put this in the vote shop instead or another way of obtaining this item. People choosing to play with the berserker relic and or using Dharok should have a simple way of being able to lower their hp to actually have fun with this potential play style available which is high risk high reward.
8. Extend League Competition Time - It would be cool to see this league be longer maybe closer to a full 8 weeks to give ample time to enjoy more content. Last leagues this seemed to be a popular suggestion and helps those who can't play all day. Making everything have to feel rushed otherwise not being worth playing as much.
9. Buff egg nest drop rate - I remember this always taking such a long time just for a medium diary step from woodcutting.
- Sagacious, Formula One and HoldinAP like this