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Member Since 16 Nov 2020
Previous Username: Real Bogos
Offline Last Active Nov 26 2024 09:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: 250 CoX Solos Collection Tab

30 January 2021 - 08:57 PM

Pretty solid RNG I'd say considering you have everything minus Tbow and pet of course under 250 KC. 


Keep going man, it will come eventually.

In Topic: HC Ashley 4b experience bank post [Jan 2021]

30 January 2021 - 08:54 PM

Amazing progress, @hc ashley.


Best of luck achieving the big 4.6b here real soon!

In Topic: Puro Puro Instance

28 January 2021 - 11:17 AM

Again, I support this suggestion as its been suggested multiple times in the past. It would be super nice to have our own instances when hunting imps. Even if it costed the same price to make boss instances, still wouldn't complain.


28 January 2021 - 09:07 AM

Some solid progress man, nice to see you still pumping out the vids for us!


27 January 2021 - 03:34 PM

@Dandy I don't see what the point is. Why would you make the chest essentially "unlootable" if someone is there if they can't log out? Just attack them faster so they don't log out, problem solved lol? I guess at this point if they log out camp them if your that desperate. 


Plus, I don't see the bloody chest needing change as only a select few players camp it A, or b Clans camp it out. 


Elaborate a bit more please