As To Gain said, I've looked over the rates and tested them out, and they're correct. The reason we found the issue with barrows is because we were asked to look into it, and we did. The only other thing that might hinder player's progress is a hard cap on TOA that would cap the purple rate to 55%, which we've decided to remove, but that may not make it into this league. That being said, a 55% chance at a purple can start to appear in to 450-500 raid level range assuming players get 30k+ points, which still is quite reasonable.
@Real Cheese
This is a fair opinion, in the next league we will likely bump up the drop rate multiplier for 3x so that players can fly through content more easily. As we add more regions and expand the game, players have more they can do in the same amount of time, and part of keeping that a fun experience will be increasing drop rates so that players can complete content relatively quickly.
How are we supposed to get 30k+ points? a 700 raid invo only nets an avg 22-25k points even with 3 downing Warden. 1000 raid invo barely nets you 30,000 points.