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Member Since 01 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2021 03:21 PM

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Elite Nike's drop log

06 December 2018 - 11:28 AM

Just a public collection of the drops I get, and when I get them.



doLTIs0.pngHerbivore pet- 52 Herblore



QRJRBb5.png?1Torag's Platebody- 15 KC


vWOaQSL.pngKaril's leatherskirt- 17 KC



Dragon Defender- 227 KC



Rock Golem Pet- 58 Mining



Black Mask- 956 KC



Dragon Boots- 79 KC



Ahrim's Staff- 36 KC



Tanzanite Mutagen- 4 KC

Torag's Platelegs- 40 KC

Karil's Coif- 41 KC

Karil's Crossbow- 42 KC

Guthan's Helm- 43 KC

Ahrim's Robetop- 49 KC

Dharok's Greataxe- 50 KC

Guthans Platebody- 51 KC



Torag's Platelegs

Classic Ironman

05 April 2018 - 11:14 AM

I know we're expecting "Elite ironman" here in the future, where players can duo, with a unique set of rules and whatever else. I think the idea is great and I support it coming into the game. However, lately I've been playing classic mode and really like the xp rates, but I also very much like the restrictions in place by ironman mode. I feel like the original ironman mode lost its integrity because at launch players could use vote books on their ironmen to give them advantages over other ironmen. With this restriction being fixed now (I believe, don't remember 100%) We could have a competitive game mode that still has it's original goal while maintaining it's integrity. Not to mention the longevity of a game mode where the XP rates are slow, AND you don't lose your status on death. Seems like a good addition. Any thoughts?


EDIT: I'd like to also mention that this mode would take minimal dev time and would be a huge update. Just grab the current XP rates on Classic and slap it on ironman mode and we've got Classic ironman.