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Member Since 28 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2024 01:37 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What kind of updates would you like to see?

31 March 2017 - 01:12 PM

I would really love to see an extra or an instanced dagannoth cave. It is ridiculous how hard it is to get any rings when you have to compete with others as an ironman who has max gear.

In Topic: Content Poll - HCIM

27 March 2017 - 06:41 PM

HCIM imo should be a challenge for players to attempt, rather then it being like any other account. So i feel like the least amount of benefits the better.

Exactly. No "Well of goodwill" or whatever its called, no wildy bonuses, no vote book bonuses, only 1 vote book use per 12 hours (so others won't transfer books from their mains), XP rates x7 for both combat and skilling. It would be a challenge not everyone would complete and that is the point of "hardcore", to make it difficult, to make an account that is like non other.

In Topic: Content Poll - HCIM

27 March 2017 - 08:01 AM

Please do not make XP rate the same as regular ironman. It was too easy to max this account, no challenge at all. Hardcore mode should represent its name. Make the XP rate x5 or x7. It was definitely NOT a fun thing to kill spiritual mages for 30 minutes for dragon boots and get all melee stats to 99. It should not be like that. It should require some more time and effort and serious grinding, hence the name "Hardcore".