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Member Since 09 Sep 2020
Offline Last Active Oct 24 2020 04:16 AM

#373966 Superior Slayer creature XP

Posted by Adamantman on 24 September 2020 - 08:08 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Buff the xp you get from killing the rare superior slayer creatures. Right now they give very little xp compared to OSRS.


For example these are some of the current xp amounts:


Shadow Wyrm: 2759 xp (with EIM 4x, weekend xp bonus 1,5x, well 20%)

in comparison, normal wyrm gave 1121 xp with these buffs

in OSRS Shadow Wyrm gives 3520 xp, and we SHOULD have higher xp rates


Abhorrent Spectre: 2988 xp(EIM, some other xp buffs too)

in comparison, normal spectre gave 978 xp with these buffs

in OSRS Abhorrent Spectre gives 2500 xp


This also applies to the superior Jelly creature. I'm not sure about other superiors as  I haven't managed to spawn any yet.


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

I didnt find anything


How would this benefit Alora?:

It would bring more excitement when you get one of the rare superior spawns. Right now I feel like its a waste of points to unlock superiors (apart from their item drops)

#372586 Auto-Weed ability for farming

Posted by Adamantman on 14 September 2020 - 03:06 AM

Auto-Weed: When enabled, weeds no longer grow in your Farming patches. This doesn't remove weeds that have already grown there, but it stops them from growing back. Once purchased, the ability can be turned on and off freely.

Note: This doesn't affect farming patches involved in Managing Miscellania.


Could we get this in Alora? 


In OSRS you can buy it from Tithe farm. Maybe add it to some farming guild npc as a toggleable option? Could have a cost as well.