Gratz! Well earned!
- Selenagomez likes this
Posted by Senecas on 10 October 2020 - 01:47 PM
Awww man sorry to hear it. I think you should just max out your (new) ironman, and experience the things you wanted to do without fear of dying, and with faster xp rates. Then get back on the HCIM grind. Good luck with whatever you do, and sorry again for your loss!
Posted by Senecas on 29 September 2020 - 11:19 AM
This is interesting. There is a difference between drop boosters and instance tokens though. Since instance tokens directly replace gold, I'm very much on the fence about this. I haven't noticed a ton of money sinks, and I think the value of gold (even on ironmen) should stay relevant. On the other hand, if you can buy them in the shop, it seems fair enough.
Tentative support.
Posted by Senecas on 23 September 2020 - 07:10 AM
Support! Although I think you should take a look at the suggestion format before making any additional threads
Thanks for the heads up! I did check out the pinned topic about suggestions before I posted. It said the copy/pasted suggestion script wasn't required to post a suggestion, and I figured this was such a simple suggestion that it was self explanatory. I can edit it for clarity if requested!