What is your suggestion?: Adding the ability to remember your device on any linux operating systems. Currently no matter what distro I've tried Alora does not have the ability to remember two factor authentication for said device. I know the way the game remembers devices uses either mac address or some type of hardware address, but adding a way for it to remember linux computers would be great for users whom use it. There has got to be a few of us and its really annoying when you disconnect 2-3 times in a row and you have to enter 2FA each time.
Is this in OSRS?: Yes, OSRS remembers linux devices.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Not that I could find.
How would this benefit Alora?: Just some quality of life and say's you care about all players, no matter what OS they use. #LinuxLivesMattter
I understand if this isn't accepted but I would really love and appreicate it if you could look into it and implement it. Thank you.
P.S: Here are some distros I've used Alora on that do not remember 2FA/Devices.
Arch Linux
Manjaro Linux
MX Linux (Current distro)