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Member Since 15 Jul 2020
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2020 05:51 PM

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In Topic: Optional Bounty Hunter

07 August 2020 - 01:41 PM

I did start a few months before you. I'm also not the one saying I've been here a considerable amount of time.

Me saying it's been this way for years, is not my opinion. Thats a fact. 

YOUR opinion doesn't represent everyone's feelings either, yet here you are posting this. My opinion is worth just as much as yours, even if it doesn't align with your agenda.

Also, I do PK, and I also spend time in the wilderness, and I feel like Alora wouldn't benefit from this.

I said a decent amount of time, and the hours I have put in is decent. My opinion represents a large sample size of the community, and the fact you say Alora wouldn't benefit from this is mad. Nobody comes to Alora to pk, that's why pking is DEAD on the server.

In Topic: Optional Bounty Hunter

07 August 2020 - 12:24 PM

I dont support the idea of "optional" bounty hunter as it has been apart of the game for years now and it will take away from pker's joining the server if it was removed.


Its the wilderness, dont go in it unless you are willing to potentially have to fight someone. If you are going into the wildy to skill. bring some gear incase you get a bounty target and fight back.

I understand it has been a part of the server for a while, but that doesn't mean a modification would be bad. I'm fine with going into the wildy at risk, however, the fact they can just tele right to you is broken and needs to be fixed. That's not true pking and won't bring pkers to the server

In Topic: Optional Bounty Hunter

07 August 2020 - 12:11 PM

"I've played Alora for a decent amount of time ..."



  • Member since:
    15 Jul 2020
    • Time spent:
      15h 29m 45s


its been this way for years, I don't think it needs change.


Do not support.

Buddy you started a couple of months before me.... don't start saying years. Besides, your opinion doesn't represent everyone's feelings. You don't pk, so why would you be against it?

In Topic: Optional Bounty Hunter

07 August 2020 - 11:58 AM

I have had my fair share of being pk’d in the wildy while doing clues, mage arena mini game or wildy bosses, but IMO its part of the game. If you go into the wildy, expect to be pk’d. You can always make a scout or go scout the area yourself first. If there is a pker then come back and do your thing later. In the official server, bounty teleport is a magic skill in the normal magic book. With that said, I wouldn’t mind adding a longer cooldown to bounty teleporting.

I agree that it is part of the game and I don't have anything against pking. I just think that the tele is overused so that it spoon feeds some pkers into getting easy kills. Either a longer cool down or higher requirement would be useful, but I don't see why bounty hunter needs to be a thing. Let people pk by finding others naturally.