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Cloud Rain

Member Since 10 Jul 2020
Previous Username: Elite Rain
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2021 09:24 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Interesting Stats, Million Dollars Donated!

07 September 2020 - 09:29 AM

This is wrong, this doenst take into account all the ironman with donator status, just regular accounts.

In Topic: Updating the droptable viewer (dropchances)

31 July 2020 - 11:22 AM

Support this, would be so much better

In Topic: ironman loot in pvp

21 July 2020 - 06:43 AM

No support due to what A BJ said in his post. Don't want people getting their stuff back when an ironman kills them. 

In Topic: Cooking Gauntlets/Chaos Gauntlets

19 July 2020 - 12:02 PM

Vote/loyalty shop would be nice to add those items in. They're not necessarily game breaking but it helps the early grinds quite a bit for ironmen.

Wouldnt mind seeing them added to loyality store for 10 hours of ingame time or 50-100 vote points, since theyre such early game items.

In Topic: Cooking Gauntlets/Chaos Gauntlets

16 July 2020 - 04:39 PM

To be honest, In the loyalty should could be a great idea. So exchanging playtime for cooking gauntlet. Because every early player can't get them because they cannot do every task and we all know that the cooking gauntlet are early. Because when u reach 99 they are pretty much useless. So ye maybe loyalty shop could be a great idea.

Totally agree on this one. Wouldnt hurt to add them there.