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Member Since 10 Jul 2020
Previous Username: Yearly
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 11:41 AM

User's Awards

Designer :: Awarded to users who have designed graphics for Alora!

Awarded to users who have designed graphics for Alora!

Given on 30 November 2020 - 11:49 AM by Champ

Asskisser :: Do we really need to explain this one?

Do we really need to explain this one?

Given on 20 November 2020 - 10:25 PM by Linkki

Iron Boss :: Achieved by maxing an Ironman.

Given on 20 November 2020 - 10:23 PM by Linkki

Nitro Booster :: Awarded to those who use their Discord Nitro Boost on the Alora Discord Server.

Awarded to those who use their Discord Nitro Boost on the Alora Discord Server.

Given on 20 November 2020 - 10:23 PM by Linkki

Event Champion - Flower Poker Tournament :: Given to the player who came first in the tournament.

Given to the player who came first in the tournament.

Given on 20 November 2020 - 02:55 PM by Moe

Event Champion - Flower Poker Tournament :: Given to the player who came first in the tournament.

Given to the player who came first in the tournament.

Given on 02 October 2020 - 12:34 PM by Moe