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GIM Shruk

Member Since 26 Jun 2020
Offline Last Active Oct 31 2020 07:46 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Three Potential Skilling Events!

11 July 2020 - 06:57 AM

@Fou Lets see if we can't make it happend in that case!

In Topic: Three Potential Skilling Events!

11 July 2020 - 06:45 AM

@Sheep Yes definitely could! Feel free to suggest tweeks :)

In Topic: Three Potential Skilling Events!

11 July 2020 - 03:37 AM

@BuccScratchr Yeah, extra herbs without it being broken due to chance and no extra xp

@Kussler Thank you kuss! :D

In Topic: Three Potential Skilling Events!

10 July 2020 - 04:12 PM

@hc ashley Yes, that is correct

In Topic: Three Potential Skilling Events!

10 July 2020 - 03:22 PM

@hc ashley Yes so the Mining event you trade xp for ores basically. Instead of getting alot of xp like you usually would from a skilling event you'd trade that part for minimal xp and instead get a set amount of "dust" or tokens that you then can trade for ores. These ores would not include runite ores.