AMxICE? good times, Im game
IGN: Coochiecrumb
Clan: ICE
Coochiecrumb hasn't added any friends yet.
Posted by Coochiecrumb
on 02 November 2021 - 12:56 PM
Posted by Coochiecrumb
on 18 June 2021 - 12:50 AM
Discord Tag - hoopthot (coochiecrumb) #1327
How long have you been in ICE? - Since 2018
What position are you applying for? - Lieutenant
Have you ever been in a staff position or position of power? - If my memory serves me, on Tankhead I believe the highest I got was Sgt.
If so, where and what did your duties entail? (Put N/A if not) -N/A just Sgt duties that I do currently, helping people, Advertising CC in Yell.
How much time do you spend on Alora and in the CC daily? - about 3-5 hours depending on work schedule, if I'm off I can be on around 6 hours
Being in the Discord is REQUIRED. Are you willing to be active in the Discord and attend weekly meetings? -Yes
Why would you like to work with us? -I've been in ICE since I joined Alora in 2018 and it's completely changed how I've viewed the server in the upmost positive way, I look forward to coming on to talk in the CC and see my friends, talking basically the entire time im on, and meeting a bunch of new faces since I've returned, and Groupie has really pushed me to become apart of the team and I think it's time I took a step forward.
What skills do you possess that would make you a good addition to our team? -I'm really easy to get along with and always loved helping people, I can be a lot sometimes but I can use it to an advantage in helping people and going above and beyond.
Is there anything else you would like for us to know when considering your application? - Tbh, in my 15 years playing Runescape and Private Servers I've never gotten into a CC in either of them, but once I joined ICE back in 2018 it was incredible the people i've met and became friends with over this server and clan, and it will forever hold a place in my heart (corny but true).