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Real Exe

Member Since 13 May 2020
Previous Username: E X E P K JR
Offline Last Active Feb 10 2025 04:03 PM

#446860 Let's talk about Realism.

Posted by Real Exe on 30 November 2022 - 07:04 PM

Exactly whan @Realmungard said. you CAN buy supplies in the ::Shops, BUT, for some reason, this whole conversation revolves around POTIONS..

like fr? is this game all about potions ? LMAO.


The main reason people don't want to play Realism is purely because it's a very GRINDY game mode, not because of the lack of "super restores" LMAO once more.

You have so many other things to do and prepare before even remotely thinking about super restores and brews ! 


AGAIN, if you were inside the realism world, discord, community etc you'll then find that everything you've said so far (all of it being invalidated by the fact that you purely started this shebang because of "not enjoying pvming and wanting to skill on a low xp rate game" is just surreal to me l0l


I have been a part of the realism community for a very long time and there ain't no %1 of the realism population "hoarding" all the supplies,gear. 

Whatever we all have we've either achieved by playing the game or been helped out by the more wealthy realism players. Countless of times where i've loaned and lent out bills worth of gear/supplies.


REALISM is a very sweaty game mode and, most people joining alora, they do so because it's a PRIVATE server that doesn't require sweatmanmode.


Grow up, enjoy the game for god's sake!



#446714 Let's talk about Realism.

Posted by Real Exe on 29 November 2022 - 03:22 PM

To be honest, starting this topic without having had a realism account that's been through the ups and downs of the game mode at all, precisely because "you're a skiller and want slow xp rates" 

rapidly makes this whole shebang invalid.


To quote what Holdin said, if you actually got into the realism community, discord etc, you'd know what he's talking about!

To quote Selena, in all honesty this vote should be taken between all the realism players since there's a hella lot more than Classic players.


How about you try and play through a realism account properly and then, after giving it a fair shot come back and start another poll.


No support.


The game mode is fine as it is.



#424581 Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by Real Exe on 15 February 2022 - 01:27 PM

I. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts]

Real Exe (realism)/ e x e p k (normie) 


II. Which Game Mode(s) do you play?


Realism / Normal


III. What is your Discord ID?




IV. What is your game-time?


Alora - Real Exe - Powered by RuneLite (gyazo.com)


V. What is your total Boss Kill count?


 Alora - Real Exe - Powered by RuneLite (gyazo.com)


VI. How did you find out about us?

I have known about the cc for a long time as i've played for awhile myself

got reintroduced to it by my good friend Real Alan

*Please be aware that it may take up to 24 hours for your application to be accepted/declined*

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#388069 Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by Real Exe on 01 February 2021 - 09:01 PM

Username: Real Exe / E X E P K

Discord Name:GLKiNG / Real Exe

Game Mode: Realism / Normie

Playtime:Alora - Real Exe - Powered by RuneLite (gyazo.com)

Proof of Combat/Skills:Alora - Real Exe - Powered by RuneLite (gyazo.com)

Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yessir

Reason for applying to Paragon?: Obviously because of all the og's , and because i really enjoy an active clan with events since i myself am quite active on here !

  • Moe likes this

#386569 Realism Progress #2

Posted by Real Exe on 19 January 2021 - 08:08 PM

What a beast of an account and progress ! Cheers to more ! Keep it going brotha ! #realists

#384994 Happy New Year! + Alora League Winners & Extension

Posted by Real Exe on 01 January 2021 - 01:27 AM

It was a blast! Congrats everyone, especially for us, the top 5. Time to take a shower! Thank you @Omicron for the effort!
Happy New Year everyone !!